Ronald Winch
Course Director, MSc Policing and Intelligence Analysis
Ron served for over thirty years with the Metropolitan Police Service and West Midlands Police. These included front-line CID roles, as well as senior command roles in local policing, public order policing, firearms policing and as a senior investigating officer for major and complex crime, including covert policing.
I am the Programme Director for the MSc Policing and Intelligence Analysis at Birmingham City University. I also teach on our Professional Policing and Criminology and Poling degree programmes. I’m working towards my PhD where I have research interests that involve the ethical use of artificial intelligence for policing purposes. I am a former Superintendent with West Midlands Police and I served as a Police Officer from 1987 to 2017, that included the Metropolitan Police. Up to 2022, I was an associate and accredited national police senior selection assessor with The College of Policing for fast track, direct entry Inspector and direct entry Superintendent schemes. This work required drawing on my senior police leadership experiences, including positive teamwork, and the building of professional relationships with others to ensure the legitimacy, efficiency, and effectiveness of police senior selection.
Academic expertise
Within policing and criminal justice, I have broad operational and strategic leadership experience, framed around working in some of the country’s most challenging and disadvantaged areas. This includes senior command roles within CID, project management, local policing, partnerships, and child and adult safeguarding. I also have wide experience over a number of years in high profile public order and public safety and firearms command, including the policing of the 2016 Conservative Party Conference in Birmingham, far right protest events and protest events linked to West Midlands policing of counter terrorism. I hold professional commendations and awards for leadership within crime investigation, bravery, police diversity training and creativity and innovation within crime and disorder reduction. Throughout my police career, I have been active in the professional development of others, as a mentor and coach. This included the training, assessment, and development of senior leaders/ commanders within the sphere of public order, public safety, and firearms.
Industry connections
At BCU, we are proud of our work with external organisations and partner agencies and the benefits this brings to our student cohorts. We have extended professional relationships with police forces nationally and internationally, particularly our main regional partner, West Midlands Police. Many of our students work as Special Constables and volunteers in policing and many become regular police officers and police staff members. We have even had success with BCU students becoming officers with police services overseas. We also have close professional relationships with the National Probation Service and a range of organisations that provide placement opportunities for students. I frequently advise and support students into full time professional roles with criminal justice agencies and give broader counselling and careers advice.
Former students
My students often go on to professional roles after completing the UG or PG studies with us. Mainly, but not exclusively within Criminal Justice agencies and organisations. I am proud that many of our former students are now serving police officers and police staff with some in detective roles. We keep in contact with our alumni community and it’s a pleasure to see the difference their work makes to people’s lives. Students have also achieved roles in private and voluntary sector organisations and some stay with us and study at postgraduate levels, even being inspired to seek careers as academics themselves.
Notable projects
Through my PhD work, I am about to start a key data gathering phase within research into the use of artificial intelligence for policing purposes. AI is steadily influencing more and more on how we live our lives. Policing is no exception and because of the unique powers that police officers have, any use of AI must be ethical, legitimate, and delivered with community support, accountability and within the principles of human rights.