Alumna launches own film distribution company

University News Last updated 10 March

A BCU graduate has founded their own film sales and distribution company, with a focus on representing Black British films Internationally.

Maskelah Gabriel-Adams, who graduated with an MA in BCU’s Film Distribution and Marketing course last year, founded AfroFilms UK just a few months after graduation.

AfroFilms UK is a film sales and distribution company dedicated to promoting and selling Black British films to a global audience. Through strategic partnerships and a deep understanding of the film market, they aim to bridge the gap between underrepresented stories and international distribution.

The inspiration for AfroFilms UK came from an internship with GFM Animations that ignited Maskelah’s interest in the challenges Black British filmmakers face in distribution, which then led to her Master’s dissertation which was focused on the distribution of Black British films.

She said: “This highlighted to me that there isn’t anyone specifically focused on representing this niche, specifically in the sales business.

“It planted the idea that there is a basis for a business here.”

AfroFilms UK is already doing well, having just wrapped up their first two markets for the year, European Film Market (EFM) and MIP London.

She said: “We are currently planning a campaign to reach filmmakers to acquire more projects to add to our slate to prepare for the next market, which is Marche du film, Cannes.”

Maskelah feels that her course at BCU prepared her for the role she does now. She said: “The knowledge and experience I gained undertaking the course gave me the confidence to pursue a career in this business. The lecturers supported me throughout and are still responsive if I have questions now.”

Maskelah now has big aspirations for the future of AfroFilms UK.

She said: “I’m hoping to create a space and community which allows films that represent black British life to reach audiences on a large scale nationally and internationally, that can adequately compensate the filmmakers for their art and allow them the finances and platform to continue creating.”

Maskelah’s advice to those wanting to study Film at BCU is to go for it. She said: “Have goals. Apply yourself to those goals. And make the most of the experience because it could change your life.”

You can find out more about AfroFilms UK on LinkedInInstagram and their website

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