
Robert Crocker

Biomedical Engineering MEng

When Rob visited BCU for an Open Day, he knew this was the right place for him. After adapting to living independently and getting stuck into the course, he picked up some valuable skills that have led him to land a role in the Aerospace industry. 

“When applying for university, I applied to a variety of institutions, but it was a BCU Open Day that made my mind up for me. Speaking to the staff, I knew that BCU was where I wanted to study. I eagerly awaited my offer from BCU and when I received it, I was over the moon!

Adapting to the university way of living, especially living away from home, and learning was challenging, and it took me a while to adjust to coming home from a long day of lectures to clean and cook for myself. It taught me how to manage my time more efficiently and how to prioritise tasks, so I don’t get burnt out.

My course really helped to set me up with key specialist and transferable skills and gave me the confidence to apply them in multiple different environments. From day one, we were taught the many ways the skills we were learning could be applied and this was certainly proven with myself, landing a role in the Aerospace industry after graduating

My proudest achievement since leaving BCU has to be being chosen as the graduate speaker for my graduation ceremony. It truly felt like the culmination of my efforts both throughout my academic process and my extracurricular contributions. I am extremely proud to have been chosen for such an honour.

The whole job search process was a really exciting time for me, and I applied for a variety of different roles until I settled on a role. After a whirlwind of interviews, brain teaser puzzles and background checks, I started at BAE systems as an Aeronautical Integration Engineer, which I’ve since been promoted from.

Nowadays, I'm a Continued Airworthiness Engineer at BAE Systems, helping to maintain and help keep Typhoon Fleets stationed out in foreign counties flying. I work regular working hours across several sites, working on various avionics projects.

The biggest challenge has been applying the skills I have learned in not only the biomedical environment but in all environments of engineering. It took a change in mindset to realise that everything that I have learned can be used in a variety of job roles.

I am hoping to learn a variety of valuable skills with my company, and either continue to progress within BAE systems or explore more roles within the industry or bionics. My advice to anyone considering studying Biomedical Engineering at BCU is to pay attention. Make sure you understand what you are learning, and more importantly, why you are learning it. You should always try to keep up a respectful relationship with everyone you meet, it's not only common curtesy but also it might come in handy when you are looking for jobs down the line.

Also, take a good long look at each module you studied, what skills you learned as part of these modules and then make a list. When employers come to ask what skills you have, you will have an easy list of skills and how you have applied them ready to go, which is very useful and shows your preparedness for the role.

For me, I AM BCU means being part of a family of not only students but staff as well. Neither can exist without the other, and its only when both work together that true excellence can be created.”