Replacement certificates

Guidelines for replacement certificate applications

Please read these guidelines carefully before filling in the application form for a replacement certificate.

Replacement certificates will only be issued in certain circumstances such as loss or theft and are charged at £20 (including postage and packaging) per document. There can be only one original degree certificate in circulation at any one time and as such replacements will be issued at the University’s discretion. The University also reserves the right not to issue a replacement certificate or to specify reasons for this decision.

If your certificate has been damaged during delivery, reprints can be offered free of charge and should be requested by following further information on our award document reprints page.

If you require a replacement transcript please complete the form on the replacement transcripts page.

Requesting your replacement certificate

To conform to the UK data protection legislation, a certificate request must come from the award holder only. The certificate issued by the University is proof of conferment of an award. It is a unique and important document which should be retained by its recipient. Replacements, while having precisely the same standing as originals, are produced in the format currently in use. The University's change of name in 2007 means that all certificates previously issued will now bear the name 'Birmingham City University'.

By completing the form, you agree that where the original has been lost, should it subsequently be found, either it or the replacement will be returned to the University.

Once you have submitted your form, you will receive an email within 30 working days requesting proof of ID once your application has been approved. Once approved and verified, a reference number will be emailed to you to include when you make a payment. Payment can be made via debit or credit card. Once we have received receipt of payment, we aim to produce and post your replacement within 10 working days.

Documents are posted via Royal Mail and we advise that delivery to UK addresses may take up 10 working days. Delivery to international addresses may take up to 28 working days (a tracking reference will be provided).

Students who have outstanding academic-related debt to the university will not be provided with a replacement until this has been settled in full and updated on your record. You will be notified if our records show that a debt exists and asked to email the Finance department, to discuss your status further. Your replacement request will then be closed, and you will be required to submit a new application form once the debt has been cleared.

If you require a replacement QTS Certificate, email

Digital certificates

Graduates who have received their award since 2010 can also receive a digital version of their certificate alongside their hard copy replacement. When filling out the below form, please select if you are happy for the University to create an account with Gradintelligence using the email address you provide.

Awards achieved pre-1992

If you graduated before 1992, we are unable to provide you with a replacement certificate, these can be obtained from the Open University CNAA Aftercare or Pearson.

Please check our FAQs for their contact information.

Your details
Date of Birth
Year commenced study
Year of graduation
Digital Certificate
Your Previous Certificate – please select from these options:

More information

Certificates, transcripts and verifications

How to request replacement printed and digital certificates, transcripts as well as verifications of study.

Find out more


BCU can provide proof of study, course title and award, as well as a reference completed by someone who knows you personally.

Find out more

Accessing BCU systems

Alumni can continue to access services on the University system for 24 months after the completion of their course using a BCU email address.

Find out more