Annual Conference moves online


The Centre for Brexit Studies Annual Conference 2020 will now take place as an online, virtual experience.

The event, taking place on Wednesday 23 September 2020, will bring together a wide range of speakers, industry experts and big names from across the West Midlands and the UK.

The online conference, titled ‘Global Birmingham – Beyond Brexit’ will discuss the region post-Brexit, thanks to a variety of guest speakers, panel debates and insightful talks. The event will focus on the West Midlands beyond Brexit, looking at topics such as the Commonwealth Games, HS2, Manufacturing and the future of the region in a post-Brexit landscape.

Confirmed speakers and panel members for the conference include Sir Vince Cable, former leader of the Liberal Democrats and Anand Menon, Professor of European Politics and Foreign Affairs at King's College London in the United Kingdom and Director of UK in a Changing Europe, as well as over 25 esteemed panel members and industry experts.

The event will also offer the chance to get involved and ask questions, as well as the opportunity to find out more about the Centre for Brexit Studies and our research.

The online event is free to virtually attend, but registration is required.

Attendees are encouraged to share thoughts on social media with the hashtag: #CBSGlobalBrum.

View the full agenda for the day, as well as the confirmed speakers and panel members, via the Eventbrite page here.

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