Global Britain? The UK’s International Success Post-Brexit


Following on from an explosive US Presidential Election and approaching the end of the transition period, the Centre for Brexit Studies latest online event discussed a ‘Global Britain’.

A panel of experts discussed and analysed the UK’s role in the international landscape post-Brexit and what our future relationship with the United States, and wider world, could look like in the next decade.

The event also discussed President-elect Joe Biden and the impact he could have on the UK and the Brexit process.

The event was hosted by Professor Alex de Ruyter, Director at the Centre for Brexit Studies, and included contributions from three industry experts.

Panel members included Professor Julian Beer, Deputy Vice-Chancellor at Birmingham City University and President of the Greater Birmingham Transatlantic Chamber of Commerce, Jill Rutter, Senior Research Fellow at UK in a Changing Europe and Professor Scott Lucas, Professor of International Politics at University of Birmingham and Editor of EA WorldView.

The footage from the event is now available to watch.

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