Anthony Alcock

Double Bass Tutor
Anthony is Section Leader Double Bass of the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra – CBSO (2016 to present). Anthony has until recently been Principal double bass of the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra in London having previously been section leader with the BBC Now (Wales), BBC SSO (Scotland), Scottish Opera and Co Principal with the Halle. As a guest Principal he has led all the London symphony orchestras (LSO, LPO, Philharmonia and BBC SO) and also takes part in commercial film sessions.
His solo career has included recordings of concerti for BBC Radio 3 and Radio Scotland including works by Koussevitsky, Bottesini, Van Hal, McGuire and Glynn and a special recording to mark the Koussevitsky anniversary. In recital, Anthony's performance and master class were commended in "The Strad" during "partial to Paganini" festival at the Royal Scottish Academy He plays an English bass by John Lott senior (c.1810) and an Italian bass by Rastelli (1848) As a teacher, he has held positions at Chethams (Manchester), RSAMD (junior & senior) and as a guest at the GSMD and RCM.