How to Apply

RBC juniors on stage


For all courses except the Young Strings Project, and the Primary Winds Programme selection for the Junior Conservatoire is by competitive auditions. The main session of auditions is held during April and May, although auditions may be offered during the year if vacancies exist.

Closing dates for applications and information on vacancies can be obtained from the Junior Conservatoire ( or 0121 331 5905). Consultation lessons can be arranged on request.

At audition, you will be expected to perform two contrasting pieces or movements on your principal instrument and one on your second instrument (if applicable). You should be prepared for sight reading, scales and aural tests at an appropriate level. You should also be prepared to answer questions on your audition pieces as well as general musical knowledge.

To apply for any Junior Conservatoire course, please use our online application form below.

Student's Details
Date of Birth
Parent or Guardian's Details
Course and Experience
Which course would you like to apply for?
Are you interested in applying for a bursary?
Please note, in order to process your application to Junior Conservatoire Courses (not including the Young Strings Project and Primary Winds Programme), your musical referee will need to supply a reference to, or by post to Birmingham Conservatoire Junior Department, 200 Jennens Road, Birmingham B4 7XR.

To apply, please read and confirm the following: