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The best podcasts every entrepreneur should listen to right now

Podcasts are a great way to continue our learning, develop our skills, and expand our knowledge - and, as well as educational, they can be entertaining too.

There’s a large number of podcasts out there and it can be difficult to find one that you like, but if you are an entrepreneur thinking of starting your own business, or you’re just looking for a little bit more information or motivation to support you with your existing business, then we’ve got a list of great podcasts for you.

This is Money Podcast

Tells you all you need to know about money. Each week of the ‘This is Money Podcast’ focuses on a different topic, from pensions and investments to tax, saving and recessions; and informs you on how this can affect you and what it means for society. Improving your knowledge around money is not only great if you run a business, or intend on starting one, but it is great knowledge to have for day-to-day living.

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The Diary of a CEO

This podcast is an insight into the life of Steven Bartlett, CEO of one of the fastest growing companies in the UK. As the name suggests, each episode provides you with a behind-the-scenes look into what Steven does as an entrepreneur, where he gives you advice and information about what it takes to become a CEO. Alongside this, he interviews other successful business owners from a variety of sectors - this can provide you with inspiration both within your studies and when considering your future career path.

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The Knowledge Project

Here is a podcast which aims to improve your knowledge on a wide range of topics including mindfulness, leadership, negotiation and innovation. Each topic is covered and discussed by an expert who is usually working successfully within the relevant field. The topics are super-relevant to entrepreneurialism, but the main aim of this podcast is to expand your knowledge of each area whatever your chosen path.

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My First Million

‘My First Million’ is a perfect space for aspiring entrepreneurs. Primarily, the hosts identify opportunities within the market and brainstorm new business ideas. They also discuss the important parts of the world of business, and answer key questions which new business owners are likely to have. Sometimes they even invite famous guests on to explore their thoughts too.

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The High Performance Podcast

Each episode of this podcast is an intimate conversation with a high-achieving person from a particular industry. The aim of this series is to give you a glimpse into their experiences and life lessons. With a heavy focus on the behaviours and attitudes each individual has adopted to enable them to succeed, this makes for truly inspirational and motivational listening.

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How I Built This with Guy Raz

In this series the host, Guy Raz, tells the stories behind some of the world’s most well-known companies and interviews entrepreneurs about a range of topics, with the main one being ‘how I built resilience’. Episodes are more frequent than usual for this medium, which is great for those of you who don’t like to wait a week for a new one.

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Not Overthinking

‘Not Overthinking’ is less business focused and, instead, discusses topics such as creativity, happiness, confidence and aspiration. The aim of the podcast is to encourage progression in a fun and accessible way, whilst still covering stimulating and important conversational ground - especially useful for entrepreneurs who need some reassurance and motivation.

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