Actors taking a bow

What can I do to prepare for my Acting and Theatre degree?

Not sure what to do between now and when you join us? Want some guidance on how to prepare for your course? Give yourself that head start with our top recommendations below and you’ll be ready to start uni in no time!

Binge-watch some documentaries

We all love a well-told story (and hunkering down on the sofa to watch tv!) so how about a few documentaries that’ll help you gather some industry insight.

  • Broadway: The Golden Age features interviews with over 100 broadway stars
  • Caesar Must Die follows the production of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar at Rome’s Rebibbia prison
  • The Space: Theatre of Survival explores political theatre during South Africa’s apartheid.

Yoga class

Get physical

After spending months revising or hunched over a laptop, it’s time to get away from your desk and move your body. Staying active is an important part of performance too: Want to improve your lung capacity? Get your running shoes on! If your posture could use some work, roll out that yoga mat!

It’ll stand you in good stead for next year too, as finding some exercise you love will give you a welcome break from studying and is a low-cost way to de-stress.

Work on your improv skills

Improvisation skills will be a valuable tool during your time with us, whether you’re devising performance as an Applied Theatre student or thinking on your feet as a Stage Manager. Why not search for improv classes near you? Not only will it help you learn to trust your instincts, but it’s also a great way to get comfortable with looking silly.

Woman wearing headphones

Podcasts and audiobooks

With one quick search, you’ll be able to find the right podcast for you. Whether you’re interested in interviews with some of the biggest industry juggernauts or an analysis of something more technical use Apple podcasts, Acast or Spotify to find the right one for you.

Why not try Royal Court’s Playwrights Podcast#SuchStuff or Off Book as a starting point? Then take time to explore and find one that interests you.

For something more long-form, Audible offers a 30-day free trial for students so why not make the most of this by finding an autobiography of someone whose career you admire or delving into some theatre history?

Revamp your social media follow-list

Turn browsing social media into a learning tool! If you’re not already, make sure you’re following relevant BCU pages and some of the industry giants in your field. Here are a few ideas:


Man performing on stage

Watch as much as you can

When you’re about to start studying acting and theatre, there’s no better way to prepare than to immerse yourself in performance. Get out and about as often as your schedule and budget allows and see as much live performance as possible!

Try out new genres and venues, and make some notes about what resonated with you and what didn’t. Most importantly, remind yourself why you love theatre and why you’re excited to be joining us this year.

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