Students and academics in a classroom environment

Increasing your employability

University is a big investment so it’s important to know that it’s all going to be worth it. Here’s how we can help turn your passion into a career.

Relevant courses for the industry and workplace

All of our courses have recently been refreshed to give you the most practical experience and the best possible chance of finding employment once you graduate. Our courses build practice-based project work into the curriculum, giving you hands-on experience of the industries you’ll be working in. They will provide optional modules so you can tailor your study to your own interests and career aspirations. Finally, an important part of the majority of our courses is that they give you practical work experience by offering placement opportunities. When doing your course research be sure to see what placement opportunities may be on offer.

Work Placements

We understand that in today's competitive jobs market, increasing numbers of employers expect new graduates to have substantial experience of the workplace. Our students have enjoyed placements with companies like the BBC, Cisco, IBM, NHS, Microsoft, Dolby, Selfridges, ASOS and more. Find out more about placements at BCU.

Mentors and career support

At Birmingham City University you can choose to take advantage of our mentor service, where you can receive one-to-one help. With mentors from a range of sectors, including finance, law, education and creative services, we aim to match you with someone who can give you that all-important industry insight, support and guidance.

We have career consultants on hand to help guide you through the world of CVs, job applications and future planning. You can organise face-to-face meetings or book online appointments. As a BCU graduate, you'll be able to continue to access this service even after you have left.

Discover our full range of career support

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Clearing 2024

If you're considering your options for university this year, Clearing is a way for students to find the right course and university. Whether you aren't sure you'll meet your predicted grades, you've changed your mind about your firm choice, or you haven't applied yet, Clearing could be for you!

Find out more about Clearing