Social Work Practice Educator Training Programme - 20 credits per module
Currently viewing course to start in 2024/25 Entry.
The Social Work Practice Educator Training Programme has been developed into two standalone 20 credit modules for Stage 1 or Stage 2, at level 7 (Masters). It is designed to facilitate the Practice Education Professional Standards (PEPS) and Domains required at both Stages 1 and 2 by (formerly, The College of Social Work (TCSW) for professional Social Work Education, refreshed by BASW 2018).
- Level CPD
- Study mode Short Course
- Award N/A
- Start date November 2024
- Fees View course fees
- Subject
- Location City South
This course is:
The Social Work Practice Educator Training Programme has been developed into two standalone 20 credit modules for Stage 1 or Stage 2, at level 7 (Masters). It is designed to facilitate the Practice Education Professional Standards (PEPS) and Domains required at both Stages 1 and 2 by (formerly, The College of Social Work (TCSW) for professional Social Work Education, refreshed by BASW 2018).
What's covered in this course?
The course has been developed to facilitate the social work reforms and concomitant changes required of registered professionals supporting the practice teaching and assessment of those undertaking professional social work education at qualifying and post qualifying levels.
It takes account of the enhanced expectations of employer stakeholder of its staff and students; and at the same time, it ensures that they are appropriately supported and enabled to continue their professional development.
The programme design and outcomes have therefore been structured to accommodate both the employer and TCSW requirements to prepare Practice Educators at both Stages 1 and 2 with structured and extensive tutorial support. In addition all candidates will be allocated an experienced academic tutor and a Practice Educator Mentor. They will also have access to our Academic Development Department and a Disability Tutor.
Why Choose Us?
- The Social Work Practice Educator Training Programme consists of two separately independent standalone 20 credit modules at Master’s level 7
- The course is designed to facilitate the Practice Education Professional Standards Domains and Core Values required at both Stages 1 and 2 by the College of Social Work (TCSW) (refreshed by BASW 2018), for professional Social Work Education
- The course has been developed to facilitate the social work reforms
- The course seeks to respond to the concomitant changes required of registered professionals in the field of social care
- The course will provide learning opportunities to professionals, supporting the practice teaching and assessment of students, undertaking professional social work education at qualifying and post qualifying levels
Fees & How to Apply
UK students
Annual and modular tuition fees shown are applicable to the first year of study. The University reserves the right to increase fees for subsequent years of study in line with increases in inflation (capped at 5%) or to reflect changes in Government funding policies or changes agreed by Parliament.
Starting: Nov 2024
- Mode
- Duration
- Fees
- Short Course
- 8 months
- £820 per 20 credit module
International students
Sorry, this course is not available to International students.
Online application and enrolment process
- Complete the online application form above.
- When your submitted application form has been processed and approved, details of the module and enrolment details will be sent to the email address stated on your application form.
- You will be sent an email asking you to complete your online pre-enrolment. This must be completed before you enrol.
- If you employer is funding this course they will need to review and approve this before you are offered a place on the course, please speak to your employer if funding has not been confirmed.
Please submit your application as early as possible. We aim to give you a decision within two weeks of receiving your application. Please note that NHS Trust application deadlines may differ from our own and you should check with your NHS Trust training/education contact for confirmation of their deadlines.
Please ensure that you include full details of your qualifications and relevant work experience as part of your application.
Course in Depth
Level 7
This module has been developed to meet the Practice Educator Professional Standards (PEPS), ‘The College of Social Work’ (TSCW 2012). The Social Work Practice Training Programme is designed to enhance the quality and training of candidates, in their development to become a qualified Practice Educators for Stage (1).
The Domains have different outcomes for Stage 1.
Stage 1- Domain A-C
All Candidates eligibility for each stage is based on their post qualifying experience, should normally be Registered Social Workers (RSWs) working in social work or social care settings in the statutory, private, voluntary or independent sector, including the experience of supervision or enabling others.
Stage1 is open to RSWs with at least 2 years post qualifying experience in Social Work Practice, with extensive experience in the role as a Practice Educator of social work degree students and enabling of others.
This module has been developed to meet the Practice Educator Professional Standards (PEPS), ‘The College of Social Work’ (TSCW 2012). The Social Work Practice Training Programme is designed to enhance the quality and training of candidates, in their development to become a qualified Practice Educators for Stage (2).
The Domains have different outcomes for Stage 2.
Stage 2- Domain A-D
SWPET Stage 2 will be open only to RSWs who have experience supervising social work degree students or the enabling of others and at least 3 years post qualifying experience. Stage 2 practice educators will also be able to contribute to the support and assessment of colleagues undertaking the Assessed and Support Year in Employment (ASYE).
Those candidates seeking to directly access SWPET Stage 2 will have to provide evidence of achieving the Stage 1 Domains through the successful achievements of the PET Stage 1 Module, Enabling Others 1 from another HEI or its equivalent.
Candidates will also need to secure employer agreement to ensure that a Designated Practice Educator has been allocated to support their engagement and preparation in the Training Programme with a specific brief to facilitate the teaching, learning and assessment of TCSW capabilities for the respective Domains. This will also include the allocation of a Social Work Degree or an ASYE student to be supervised by the Candidate within the practice learning setting to develop and demonstrate their PEPS capabilities.
Course structure
The Social Work Practice Educator Training programme has been developed in consultation with practice partner agencies to maximise effective completion rates of the programme and to ensure value for money at a time of budget constraints.
The content is mapped against the College of Social Work, Practice Educator Professional Standards, Domains and the Core Values.
Candidates will develop skills and knowledge in enabling and supporting the practice supervision of social work degree students.
The delivery of this programme is predicated upon a project management framework to enable the progressive acquisition of the requisite knowledge skill and values to effectively create and assess a structured learning environment to support social work degree students.
Upon completion of the Social Work Practice Educator Training programme, candidates should be equipped to undertake the relevant specific duties of teaching, enable, supervising and assessing a social work degree student and/or ASYE in their respective learning environment.
The programme will be supported by a Social Work Practice Education Panel comprised of experienced academics and practice stakeholders, to enhance quality assurance and approval of candidates through each of the relevant stages.
The Social Work Practice Educator Training programme has been developed in consultation with practice partner agencies to ensure successful completion rates of the programme, and to recognise that employers are seeking high standards in the climate of limited resources.
Upon successful completion of Stage 1 Practice Educator Training programme, these Practice Educators will be able to supervise, teach and assess social work degree students up to but not including the final assessment prior to qualification. At this stage they may contribute to the last placement but not take full responsibility for assessment or act as the practice educator on a day-day basis.
Upon successful completion of Stage 2, Practice Educator Training programme these Practice Educators will be able to supervise, teach and assess social work degree students up to and including the last placement. In effect, these practice educators will have the authority and capability to recommend, on the basis of appropriate evidence, that social work students are fit to practise at the point of qualification.
Facilities & Staff
Our facilities
Our School of Education and Social Work is based at our City South campus in leafy Edgbaston.
We’ve spent £41million expanding the education facilities at City South. These facilities offer hands-on practical experience, replicating the spaces you will come across in professional practice. Alongside classrooms and lecture theatres, we also have a range of specialist teaching and learning spaces for specific subjects including science, design and technology, drama and physical education.
As well as subject-specific rooms, our facilities include the Primary Innovation Lab, which houses £24,000 worth of LEGO. This room is a special resource for our education students, offering an innovative and creative way to approach subjects across the curriculum – from computing to English, mathematics to art. The lab responds to research that children and young people learn best from practical experience.
Our Social Work students have access to a home environment room and mock hospital wards which offer an opportunity to gain experience of working with service users in different situations.
Computer facilities
The Seacole building has two open-access IT Suites which offer PCs, printers, photocopiers and scanners. There is also an IT Helpdesk for quick and easy help with your computing or internet issues.
Our PCs utilise the latest Intel i5 core technology, all with:
- Fast (unrestricted) internet connectivity
- Ability to save files to USB, DVD & CD
- Microsoft Office software
- Research and statistical software
- Storage space which can be accessed from any PC across the University and from home
Our PCs are also designed to support students who may have difficulties with reading and writing, featuring specialised software with zooming/magnification and screen reading capabilities, which may also be customised for individual student needs.
In addition to desktop PCs, we also offer a laptop loan facility, allowing students to borrow a laptop for up to six hours while on campus.
Our staff
Jessica Wagner
Senior Lecturer in Social Work
After qualifying from the University of Wales in 2003, Jessica has spent the majority of her professional experience within statutory children’s services, where she held posts both as a practitioner and manager in safeguarding teams. This allowed her to gain experience of working in child protection and child in need services and through the...
More about JessicaEnquiries
For any queries, please contact our Admissions team: admissions@bcu.ac.uk
Or phone +44 (0)121 331 6295