Mark Jeffreys

Mark Jeffreys profile

Director of Sport and Physical Activity

School of Health Sciences
0121 300 4408

Mark has worked in a number of roles within education and has worked for over 20 years in the development and delivery of HE courses as well as working within the sport and leisure industry.

Prior to his move to BCU in March 2017 Mark worked for 11 years at the University of Gloucestershire where he developed and led a range of sports coaching courses at undergraduate and postgraduate level. Here he also worked with a range of sports governing bodies to develop bespoke coaching courses for their high performing coaches.

Alongside his academic work, Mark has also been active in developing structures for sports performance and has coached a range of regional and national teams.

Mark is an experienced INED having sat on the board of a number of National Governing Bodies of Sport.

Mark’s work at BCU is aimed at developing an infrastructure for sport and physical activity within the University, which enables students to engage in a range of activities from participation level through to an elite level.

Current Activity
Areas of Expertise
Work With Industry
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