Gemini Katwa

Gemini completed a Masters in Psychology at Birmingham City University, which was accredited by the British Psychological Society and allowed Graduate Basis for Chartered Membership status. Gemini has worked with traumatised children for many years gaining excellent knowledge and skills in this industry. This interest developed towards published research in childhood trauma and it's impact on decision-making in adulthood.

Gemini's PhD research hopes to extend this knowledge and understanding of structural and functional neuronal networks involved in decision-making in the neurological conditions of schizophrenia and psychopaths. Decision neuroscience aims to uncover these circuits and create a map of decision-making processes. The uncovering of networks will ultimately lead to an increase in understanding and eventually improved diagnosis and treatment of disorders including schizophrenia and psychopathy. It is therefore vital to the improvement of psychological care that we uncover the underlying structure of decision-making networks.

Areas of Expertise
Postgraduate Supervision
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