
Find out more about the key publications concerning the Centre for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in the Arts. 

Publications for research centre

Key publications

Sir Lenny Henry Centre for Media Diversity

Representology Journal Volume Two, 2021

Volume two of the Journal of Media and Diversity, helping to create a media landscape more reflective of modern Britain.


Representology Journal Volume One, 2020

Representology is a forum where academic researchers and media industry professionals can come together to pool expertise and experience. It seeks to create a better understanding of the current barriers to media participation as well as examine and promote the most effective ways to overcome such barriers. The aims of the journal are to influence policy and practice in the media industry through a rigorous, evidence-based approach.


Setting the standards for success: interrogating the evidence to ensure lasting change through ‘Channel 4 represents Black to Front’

Professor Marcus Ryder, Dr Stevie Marsden, Carlene Marshall-King 

Channel 4’s ‘Black to Front’ initiative, a day of programming with 100% on-screen Black representation, and attempting to maximise Black representation behind the camera, provides a valuable opportunity for the broadcaster to identify and trial business practices that could significantly increase Black and people of colour (shortened to PoC henceforth) representation behind the camera in general and in key positions for years to come.

The broadcaster has announced that it sees this as “part of its ongoing commitment as an anti-racist organisation to improve Black representation on and off screen and drive long-term change”, as well as a way to “amplify Black talent, stories, and voices by bringing them to the forefront on screen and off screen.” Yet, if the initiative is not implemented correctly it risks Channel 4 being seen by the general public as trying to capitalise on Black Lives Matter and the serious political movement of combating anti-Black racism for its own benefit, and with little or no lasting benefit to broader attempts to increase Black representation in UK broadcasting.

This report is organised in two key parts – examining existing data including a review of the literature, and utilising previous experience in terms of examples and interviews. It ends with recommendations for Channel 4 to maximise the potential for the ‘Black to Front’ day to make long-lasting change and minimise the risk of it being seen as tokenism.

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The Future of Diversity Regulation in the UK Broadcast Industry

Dr Peter L. Block

This research, sponsored by the Sir Lenny Henry Centre for Media Diversity, has examined the matter of diversity regulation in the UK broadcast industry. The findings are captured in six models of diversity clustered under three themes; (A) Ofcom relinquishes the obligation, (B) Ofcom continues to manage the process or (C) Ofcom devolves the matter to an independent agency. This report explains the rationale for arriving at these models.   

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Diversity in Post-Production Sound Roles in UK Television Production

Emma Butt

This research, conducted throughout August and September 2020, examined the highest rated TV shows across the Autumn period of 2019 on BBC1, BBC2, ITV, Channel 4, Channel 5 and Sky One and the breakdown of diversity across the key post-production sound team roles. The data is drawn from Broadcast magazine’s quarterly reports on highest rated shows (published online 15/9/2019), on screen credits and IMDB. This research also involved interviews with a diverse range of professionals working in post-production sound to identify barriers to career progression in this area. This research evidences a worrying absence of diversity in post-production sound teams specifically in drama, entertainment and factual.

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Study reveals how BAME-led TV organisations have been hit by COVID crisis

A study carried out at the Sir Lenny Henry Centre for Media Diversity, assessed the impact of coronavirus on independent companies led by Black, Asian and minority ethnic professionals. The research revealed a third of BAME-led TV production companies are facing serious financial hardship as a direct result of the COVID-19 pandemic.  

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