BCU Inspired Festival 2024

BCU Inspired Festival 2024
Date and time

Birmingham City University


Free to enter

We are very proud to showcase our exceptional graduate work – the culmination of innovative thinking and collaboration at the end of a year unlike any before.

These artists, actors, designers, writers and musicians have responded positively and creatively to unprecedented challenges. They have demonstrated outstanding ingenuity and adopted new ways of working, with inventive ideas evolving from a range of disciplines.

Nurtured in the region, the Inspired Festival now brings our graduates to a global audience. We are proud to offer this platform to share their inspiring work.

General opening times

College of Art and Design
Fine Art/ Art and Design
Location: Margaret Street, Birmingham. B3 3BX
Opening dates and times:
Thursday 13th June – Saturday 22nd June, 10am – 5pm
Closed Sundays

College of Art and Design
Graphics/ Illustration
Location: P414 – P420, The Parkside Building, 5 Cardigan Street, Birmingham. B4 7BD
Opening dates and times:
Monday 10th June – Saturday 22nd June, 10am – 5pm
Closed Sundays

College of Digital Arts
Location: P063 The Shell, The Parkside Building, 5 Cardigan Street, Birmingham. B4 7BD
Opening dates and times:
Monday 12th June – Saturday 22nd June, 10am – 5pm
Closed Sundays

Architecture and Design
Location: The Parkside Building, 5 Cardigan Street, Birmingham. B4 7BD
Opening dates and times:
Thursday- 13th June – Saturday 26th June, 11am – 4pm
Closed Sundays

College of Jewellery, Fashion and Textiles
Location: Vittoria Street, Birmingham. B1 3PA
Opening dates and times:
Monday 10th June – Friday 14th June, 10am – 6pm

Fashion and Textiles
Location: The Parkside Building, 5 Cardigan Street, Birmingham. B4 7BD
Opening dates and times:
Thursday 13th June – Saturday 22nd June, 10am – 5pm
Closed Sundays

College of Media and English
Location: The Parkside Building, 5 Cardigan Street, Birmingham. B4 7BD
Opening dates and times:
Monday 10th June – Friday 14th June, 10am – 5pm
Closed Sunday

Click here for the full BCU Inspired website

Click here for our XR Gallery