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Rebecca Evans is a final year Acting student at Royal Birmingham Conservatoire and Birmingham City University. For her final project, she performed in three large-scale productions across various venues.
Acting - BA (Hons)
Tell us about your journey studying at Royal Birmingham Conservatoire and Birmingham City University
It has been an incredible journey studying at RBC for three years. I learnt so much about my self and also developed my practise as an individual artist. Regular, personalised feedback from staff massively boosted my progress and the course is full to the brim with brilliant content. I've also enjoyed being a part of the wider community. I am a course representative for my year which meant I was able to put forward ideas and feedback from my year to members of faculty. Over the course of my degree, I have made use of a range of the University's facilities too: from the Curzon and Mary Seacole Library, the Practise Pods for individual singing practise, and other study spaces across the campus.
What is your final project?
I had a fantastic experience working on three full-scale stage performances. Each was completely different. The first, The Clockmaker’s Daughter, was a full-scale music with an orchestra, complex choreography and lots of great harmonies to learn. We performed this at the Crescent Theatre, and it was such a special experience to be able to perform for a sold-out audience on our final night. My next show was rather different; Hobson’s Choice at the Patrick Studio in the Birmingham Hippodrome. This 20th century northern classic was a joy to put on, and playing the fierce, go-getting Maggie Hobson was a highlight of my final year. Finally at the Old Rep Theatre, Margaret Atwood’s all-female play The Penelopiad. This show came with music, physical sequences, multi-rolling and huge devising task for the company. It was truly amazing to finish my final show at Drama School with this Greek epic.
How has your course helped you to prepare for your final project?
The course and its wonder teachers were essential to prepare me for my final performances. When I began the BA Acting course, the idea of singing terrified me. But by my final year, I was singing harmonies and solo lines in musical to a sold-out audience. I couldn’t have done that without the incredible singing training in our course. Although they aren’t seen by a public audience, the acting classes and theatre workshops from the first and second year are what make the third-year performances possible. Working on a massive range of texts (from Shakespeare, to contemporary scripts, and even your own devised work) is what builds the foundation for the third year shows.
What are your future aspirations?
With the end of my course approaching, I have already been fortunate to start having a few professional acting auditions. Mainly from the casting website Spotlight, which you are automatically eligible for upon completion of your BA Acting degree. I can’t wait to take everything I have learnt over the last three years and get to work in the industry.
Do you have any advice for prospective students?
The student experience at RBC is amazing. I remember being so nervous about starting my course, but looking back now it was the best decision. The opportunities to perform and develop are invaluable. I have had an incredible three years and I am so excited for any student about to begin their journey at RBC.
The Unseen Black Country
Hannah Pincher is a third year Textile Design student whose project celebrates her Black Country heritage and pays homage to the industrialism of the area.
Wilson McDowell is a final year Acting student at Royal Birmingham Conservatoire and Birmingham City University. Wilson tells us about his final and upcoming performances.
Urban Regeneration Through Learning
Eduard-Dumitru Popescu is third year Architecture student trying to combat social injustice through his community hub design proposal.
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