
Abigail Ward

Sociology - BA

Abigail didn’t get into her first-choice university and realised she didn’t want to attend her insurance choice. Clearing gave her the chance to change her mind about which university was right for her. After three years at BCU, she’s applying for further study because she doesn’t want to leave!

“I applied to university through UCAS and had high hopes of going to my first-choice university, but the last few years of school were tough for me. I lost my dad at the beginning of my GCSEs which made focusing on my exams difficult. I pushed myself throughout my A Levels but sadly didn’t get the grades to get into my first choice university. 

At first, I was disappointed, but then I started to realise that this was my chance to choose a university that felt like a good fit for me. I felt like I’d rushed into making my five university choices when I applied in the main application cycle. I had originally applied to universities further away from home but I now wanted to stay local to my hometown of Birmingham. Clearing allowed me to rethink my options, instead of feeling pressured into going to a university and city I didn’t like. 

I had actually considered BCU before but originally ruled it out because I thought I wanted to move away from home. Now, it seemed like a clear choice as it’s close to home, offered a great Sociology course and had sports teams I could join.

On results day, I sat with a teacher at my sixth form and discussed my options. We looked at the courses available online and prepared for my phone call. I’m not a fan of phone calls but because I was prepared, the call went really well. I’d recommend all students applying through Clearing prepare for the call by having their name, grades and chosen course written down. The Clearing team at BCU were friendly and everything was sorted out quickly. I felt so relieved after my phone call and excited to attend BCU!

I’m now in my final year at BCU and I can honestly say I’ve enjoyed every moment. The sociology course has opened my eyes to so many new areas of research and different concepts. The tutors here are enthusiastic about their subject and have inspired me to learn more. I’ve loved my time here so much that I’m hoping to study here for another three years as a PhD student!

Alongside my course, I’ve been lucky enough to represent BCU on the netball team. I’ve played in the winning varsity team for two years now and made friends for life along the way. I’ve been the BCU Sport Rep throughout my final year, which involves improving the BCU Sport experience for students. Being a part of a winning team and a lively sports community makes me thankful that I had the opportunity to come to BCU.

If I could advise someone else going through Clearing, I’d tell them that there’s no shame in it. There’s nothing wrong with choosing another university if your first choice didn’t work out or isn’t the one for you anymore. Sometimes fate pushes you towards something better than what you’d planned for yourself.”

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