How to add a Clearing choice

If you’ve applied through Clearing and the university you’ve applied for has confirmed your provisional Clearing offer, the next step is to add this as a Clearing choice in your UCAS Hub account. We’ve put together a step-by-step guide on how to add your offer from BCU as a Clearing choice.

1. Wait until Birmingham City University has confirmed your provisional Clearing offer – we will need to check the information we have about your qualifications to make sure they are acceptable before your offer can be officially confirmed.

2. Once we have confirmed your offer, log in to your UCAS account. If you don’t already have a UCAS account, you can apply directly to us.

3. Add details for the Birmingham City University, UCAS code B25 and the course you have been offered a place on using the ‘Add Clearing choice’ option.

4. Once you have added your Clearing choice in the UCAS Hub, UCAS will then inform us of this. You will then receive a holding message in your UCAS Hub account notifying you that you’re waiting for a decision from us. This will state ‘the University or college is currently considering your application (Referred)'. At this stage, you have added your Clearing choice and there are no more actions for you to take.

5. We will then confirm to UCAS that we have offered you a place of study at Birmingham City University and you will be able to view our confirmation of your place on your UCAS Hub account. This process will take approximately 24 hours (excluding weekends) from when you receive the offer email.

6. Your application will then achieve UF status (a firmly accepted unconditional offer) and this will trigger an email which acknowledges your acceptance of a place at Birmingham City University. You can then apply for accommodation if you’re planning on living in student halls.

Important: You should only 'add a Clearing choice' to your UCAS Hub if a university offers you a place on a course through Clearing and you wish to accept that offer.

If you add a Clearing Choice on your UCAS Hub but have not been offered a place for that course and/ or by that university, your application will likely be declined and until that university declines you, you can't accept any other Clearing offer that you may receive.

If the ‘add Clearing choice' button in your online UCAS Hub is not available, please check that you have definitely been released or rejected from your other UCAS commitments and are not holding a place at another University or institution. If you need to self-release, see our step-by-step guide on how to do this.

What should you do next?

Apply for Student Finance

If you've received an offer to study with us through Clearing then you may need to apply for Student Finance or make a few changes to your application.

Find out more

Sort out your accommodation

Get the lowdown on how to apply for student accommodation after getting an offer from us through Clearing.

How to apply

Get ready for university

If you've received an offer to join us this September, you're bound to have loads of questions. We've put together some handy info so you can start your uni experience in the best way possible!

Start preparing now