Five reasons to apply early to Clearing

Most people associate Clearing with exam results day and the hotline you might call if your grades weren't quite what you were expecting. However, it's much more than that. Did you know Clearing actually opens in early July and remains open for most of the Summer? That means if you've already got your results, you don’t have to wait until 15 August to get your place.

Student smiles and looks at her laptop

Maybe you’ve taken a year or two out of education and recently decided uni is for you, or maybe you’re a mature student who missed the original UCAS deadline. Either way, there’s no time like the present. Here are five reasons why you should get cracking and apply for Clearing early.

1. Miss the rush

Once everyone has their qualifications on results day, Clearing will start to get busy. If you have your results already then you can beat the rush and apply before results day. It’ll mean you miss the morning madness and won’t be spending time waiting to speak to someone. This in turn should then give you…

 2. More time to make up your mind

The decision to go to university is huge. You have lots to consider; the course, the location, where you’ll live and of course which university is for you. Therefore, it seems wise to give this as much thought as possible. You may feel you need to get a place as soon as you can to satisfy your family, friends, teachers and yourself. Applying ahead of results day will mean you won’t have this added pressure and will have the time to mull an offer over for a few days. You will also have more time before applying to…

Find a course in Clearing

See what courses are currently available through Clearing.

 3. Research

Applying early gives you time to fully research the university and course you’re planning on joining. No matter what stage you come into Clearing we recommend doing at least a bit of basic research before confirming your decision. However, applying early allows you to fully research universities so you can make sure you are totally happy, and in many cases where you’ll be living…

 4. Accommodation

Accommodation is a big part of the decision-making process. Knowing you’ll be staying in nice secure accommodation should be a high priority on your list. As well as being able to fully research your new home, applying early can also help guarantee you a place in halls. Many universities will have a first come first served policy when it comes to allocating rooms during Clearing. Therefore getting in early should allow you to snap up one of those rooms. All this should give you…

5. Peace of mind

Getting your place at uni sorted and out of the way means you can get on with the rest of your Summer without having it on your mind. You won’t be counting down to 15 August, you won’t be worried about the rush and there won’t be any stress over busy Clearing hotlines.

If you have your results and need to apply through Clearing, what are you waiting for? Find your course and apply now.

If you don't have your results...

At BCU, we aim to make you a provisional offer of a place while you’re waiting for your exam results. If you haven’t already applied to uni, or you know you’ve changed your mind and want to explore your options, you can apply directly to study with us. Providing you meet the terms of your provisional offer; your place will be confirmed after results day when you share your results with us.

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