How to improve your grades after mock exams


Two students walk through a university corridor and look at their exam results smiling.

Feeling like you could have done better in your mock exams? If your mock results aren’t quite what you were expecting, then don’t worry – mock exams are there for you to learn and make improvements! Follow our tips to make the most of your mocks.

1. Reflect on what went wrong 

It can be tempting to be upset about your mock exam grade and hide your paper away, never to be seen again but it’s important to learn from your mistakes. Look at the marks you missed and the gaps in your knowledge, now you know what you need to focus on for the real exam. 

Go through your revision notes or textbooks and highlight the areas that need some extra attention so you can easily find this information when it comes to revising. 

2. Create a revision timetable

Once you know the topics you need to focus on, create a revision timetable. Your schedule should be realistic and manageable, so plan in lots of time for breaks and see friends or family. 

Don’t waste time making your revision timetable from scratch! We've got a template you can download and start using straight away. 

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3. Try out a new revision method 

If you revised for your mock exams but the information didn’t go in, it may be time to try out some new revision techniques. Finding the revision method that works for you can take time. Check out our favourite methods and see if they do the trick or mix up how you use flashcards to keep revision interesting. 

4. Ask for advice 

Now you have an idea of your strengths and weaknesses, reach out to your teacher or even a friend who did well for help. Your teachers will be able to give you exercises and tips. They may even be able to write some new exam questions for you that test the gaps in your knowledge. 

5. Test yourself

Once you’ve tried out your new revision methods and feel like you’ve committed the information to memory, complete the mock exam again in your own time. By completing the questions again, you’ll be able to see your progress and spot where there are still gaps in your knowledge. 

Hopefully, you’ll do better this time around and can see the improvements.  

Remember that exam results aren’t the be-all and end-all. You could still have the chance to go to university, even if you don’t get the results you’re expecting! Find out more about Clearing so you’re prepared for results day. 

The revision timetable inside the Exams and Revision guide

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