Exams and Revision help
Looking for revision help? We’ve got a load of helpful articles containing expert tips on how to revise for exams, how to make revision notes and when to start revising. There's also a free revision guide for you to download.
Revision methods and how to plan
Don't know where to start with revision? You're not alone! If you're struggling to get organised or figure out which technique is best for you, you're in the right place.
How to start revising
Don't know where to start with your revision? Follow these 5 steps.
Where to startBest revision methods
These methods will hack your memory and make you able to actually remember what you revise.
Try these revision methodsWhat is spaced repetition and the 2,3,5,7 method?
These two methods are the best way to plan your revision timetable and use active recall.
Learn how to use spaced repetitionHave you tried blurting?
Blurting uses active recall so it's a great way to revise for any exams or assessments.
If you're worried about your upcoming exams, look no further. Download your free revision guide and get top exam tips, advice and handy revision hacks!
BTEC students
BTECs are largely practical and there can be less exam pressure, but it doesn't mean there's less work to do or less anxiety around deadline day. Here's how to achieve distinction grades.
Parents and carers
Exam season is not only a stressful time for teens but for their whole family, too! Find out how best to support your child with our dedicated parent pages full of tips and advice.
Teachers and advisors
Support your students with study skills. Teach them how they can improve their memory, learn from different revision techniques and better plan their time.