
A revision timetable might one of the best ways to organise your revision, but they’re not exactly thrilling. In the ongoing battle between sticking to your revision timetable and beating your friends at Fifa, the revision tends to lose. So we’ve come up with a few tips to make it easier to stick to your timetable and ace those exams.
Make your revision timetable one week at a time
Don't have a revision timetable yet? No problem, we've got a template you can download and start using straight away.
There is such a thing as too much planning, even when it comes to revision. Getting all your revision down on paper for an entire month can be a great motivator but it leaves no room for life to get in the way (which it inevitably will!). It’s better to make your revision timetable week by week so you can plan around your schedule.
This way you can make fewer sacrifices and use your free time as a reward for those hours you spent revising. There are more benefits too! A weekly timetable means you can make changes to what you’re revising week by week, which makes sense because if you’ve been revising a topic for three weeks, you won’t need to do as much revision on that topic in week four.
Make time for coursework tasks as well as your revision
Work your coursework time into your revision time; so if you’re committed to doing 10 hours of revision a week, take a few of those hours to do coursework. It might sound like you’re not doing enough, but setting realistic goals and sticking to them is better than setting unreasonable goals that can overwhelm you.
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Make rules about your priorities
Nobody is perfect. Even if you follow every single piece of advice in this article you’ll probably still miss a revision session or two - it’s unavoidable. This is why you should mark priorities on your timetable. Find the topics you’re struggling with and whenever you add them to your revision timetable make sure they’re highlighted as important. If you follow this rule you can see at a glance from your timetable the sessions you absolutely can’t miss.
Mix up your revision styles
No one loves revision, and even if you do a lack of variation can make things boring really quickly. If you can’t focus on your revision because you’re incredibly bored it can really hurt your motivation. So mixing up how you revise with some new techniques can help you stick to your timetable.
Make time to relax
It's important to take time away from revision to relax and look after your wellbeing. Revising 24/7 isn't realistic so remember to factor breaks into your timetable. Whether that's just time to watch TV, go out with friends or exercise.
Those are just a few tips to help you master your revision timetable. Timetables not your thing? What about Bullet Journals? We’ve got a guide for that too!