
Gayathiry Jeyapragash

Civil Engineering - BENG

Gayathiry came to the UK as an asylum seeker to further her studies after having a turbulent time at home in Sri Lanka. As a mature student with a child, Clearing gave Gayathiry a chance to study Engineering at BCU.

‘As I am a new citizen in the UK, my college helped me with my application to BCU as I didn’t know how to apply. Despite being a mature student and single mum, I was determined to apply for a foundation course followed by a degree to help me pursue my career goals. Working part-time and studying at university is hard but I get inspiration from my son and family to keep me focused.

I was battling with some personal issues when I lived in Sri Lanka, which meant that discontinuing my studies there was the best option for me. I was married in my early twenties which turned out to be a failure and made me severely depressed. I slowed down mentally and physically to the point where I thought I wasn’t going to achieve anything in my life. This then made me discontinue my studies, despite being a high performer. I have always wanted to study higher education - which made leaving my education in Sri Lanka very difficult. I came to the UK in 2012 as an asylum seeker but immediately had to work full-time to help finance the move. After five years of working full-time here, I then started a part-time college course to focus on learning English as that is a requirement for university.  

Being accepted into university as a mature student was a proud moment for me. BCU has helped me to discover my skills and has also helped me improve my English language. I take great pleasure in being a student at university, as I never thought I would get a place. Now that I have settled in the UK, I am the happiest I have been and I am proud to say that I am studying to become an engineer. 

I am really enjoying my studies as it is my ambition to become an engineer and that was previously stopped in its tracks when I had to move countries. When my education stopped, it was the biggest loss I have had in my life. Since then, I have pushed to study engineering in everything I do, no matter how old I am now, it is my only aim. Maths was always my strongest subject, so I have always thought I would go into engineering or become a doctor. However, I soon realised that I didn’t want to become a doctor as I don’t like blood! So engineering became my passion. 

When I finish my studies at BCU I want to become a successful engineer as a chartered engineer. Starting at BCU as a single mum, I was really lucky that the University staff were there to help me. The help that I have received from BCU will spur me on to do well in my future career. I also wanted to become a good mum and inspiration for my son and to make his future better.’