
Elliot Hambleton

Mechanical Engineering with foundation year - BEng

Elliot was left disappointed and confused on results day, but Clearing gave him the chance to still study his dream course with a foundation year. The foundation year gave Elliot time to prepare for his course and new independent lifestyle, so he was ready to jump into his engineering degree.

“I didn’t get the A-level grades I expected, but I knew I still wanted to start university in September. I didn’t want to have a year out because I was really excited about university, and I didn’t want that excitement to fade.

On results day, I was really upset. I didn’t know whether I’d still be able to go to University. I hadn’t prepared to fail my exams, so on results day I was a bit lost and didn’t really know what to do. I’d applied for Mechanical Engineering courses because I’ve always had an interest in engineering and I’m quite a scientific person, so it seemed like the right path for me. I was really worried that I wouldn’t be able to get onto an engineering course and that I’d have to consider other options.

I gave BCU a call and they said that they could offer me a place on their Mechanical Engineering Degree if I did a foundation year. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to do a foundation year but the person I spoke to was really reassuring and told me everything would be ok, which I really needed to hear.

I was really relieved to be on the foundation year. Even though it was extra time I hadn’t planned for, it was good to be doing something productive and to be learning new things. It was great to go over the basics of engineering and mathematics to prepare for the degree.

Plus, I appreciated the introduction to university life and a new style of work. I’d never lived away from home for an extended period of time, so moving to university was quite nerve-wracking. I’m from a small town so I knew I wanted to live in a big city, but it was still an adjustment. Doing a foundation year gave me the time to get used to living alone and being more independent.

When I got started on my course, I felt a lot more prepared and ready to be more hands-on. I like the fact that BCU’s Engineering courses are versatile and teach you the basics of mathematics and engineering so I could go into any type of engineering if I wanted to.

All the engineering courses get to do lots of work in the labs and be involved in lots of different projects. This semester, I got to work on a live project with The Rivers Trust. It was really cool to work on a live project and present my ideas to people who work in the engineering industry. I’ve had so many experiences at BCU that I can add to my CV and that will give me a boost in my future career.  There’s a huge focus on employability here and I’m confident I’ll be able to succeed because of the career support and guidance I’ve been offered.

Some people might have preconceptions about Clearing or foundation years and think that it means you’re not worthy of getting a place on the course, but that’s really not true. If you want to go to university, then don’t miss out on the second chance that Clearing gives you to be where you’re meant to be.”