
Kimberly Gill

Diagnostic Radiography – BSc

Kimberly was unsuccessful in getting a place at university in the main cycle and wasn’t really sure what to do next. By chance, she saw that her dream course was available through Clearing and knew she’d been given a second chance to achieve her goals.

“I applied to BCU through the main cycle but sadly, I was unsuccessful. I hadn’t really decided what I wanted to do when results day came around. I happened to be looking on the BCU website for a friend who was going through Clearing when I saw that there were places for Diagnostic Radiography.

I thought there was no harm in ringing and asking if I could go through Clearing. The worst that could happen is that I would be told no.

Once I found out I had my place, I was on top of the world! I’m a bit of an impatient person, so knowing I was starting university in less than a month was exciting.

I’d previously been to a BCU Open Day which is what made me apply to BCU in the first place. Hearing from lecturers who had actually worked in the healthcare sector excited me and I was sure it was what I wanted to do. Plus, everyone seemed really happy, it wasn’t the serious, stressful environment I imagined university to be. People in Birmingham speak really highly of BCU and their healthcare courses so I knew I was in the right place with good connections.

I have two young children and I was worried about juggling everything, but I spoke to the staff at BCU and they were reassuring. It was really nice to know that I’m not the only one and that completing a degree as a parent is achievable. The staff at BCU made me see how I could make it work and succeed.

Everyone at BCU is so friendly and people help you as much as they can. I really feel like part of a community. When I go into local hospitals to do placements, everyone knows BCU and knows you will have been prepared well, because you’ve been trained in such a realistic environment. I feel honoured to be a part of my course and the university. I’m so glad that Clearing gave me a chance to be a part of that.

It’s important to remember that getting on to a course through Clearing doesn’t make any difference. On the first day of my course, I felt proud of myself because I turned my situation around. I was starting in the same place as all of the other people in my course and I knew I was just as capable.”