RBC Juniors: String Orchestras

RBC Juniors: String Orchestras

RBC Musicians

Date and time
22 Jun 2024 (7:00pm - 8:30pm)

Recital Hall, Royal Birmingham Conservatoire

200 Jennens Road, B4 7XR


£6 under 18, over 60

Booking Information

Wheelchair users are entitled to concessionary priced tickets with a complimentary companion seat.

Guide dogs are welcome at Royal Birmingham Conservatoire venues. If you wish to bring a guide dog or wheelchair, please let the Events Office know by calling 0121 331 5909.

Young Strings

RBC Juniors: String Orchestras

JS Bach Violin Concerto in A
Joseph Bologne Chevalier de Saint Georges Symphonie Concertante Op,VI, No.1
Mozart Symphony No.29

Running time approx. one hour and thirty minutes

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