
If you've spent hours Googling or looking in forums for advice on ‘How can I get a Distinction in my BTEC National Diploma?' or ‘best BTEC studying tips', don't worry. We’re here to help with some top tips from our students.
1. Start as soon as possible
Leaving it all to the last minute and trying to catch up at the end doesn’t really work with BTECs. Begin working on your portfolio as soon as you’re given it. This not only means you have more time to work on it, but it also means that the information you’ve been given is fresh in your mind, so you’ll have a better idea of what you’re doing. Try starting easy and sketch out some kind of plan for what you’re going to do, and then you’ve got a framework to start from, rather than starting weeks later and having no idea what to do!
2. Make your portfolio as manageable as possible
Stay organised by making an assignment timetable. Your portfolio should feature examples of research and the development of your ideas and projects – this should be highly presentable and well organised. Make sure you continually add work to your portfolio and don’t leave it until the last minute. It may be useful to arrange your work into themes, styles or chronological order. Prioritise and plan - you’ll thank yourself later!
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3. Always stay on the ball
Due to mostly being assessed via assignments, this does mean that you do need to focus all year round, so it’s essential that you work to the best of your ability in every lesson to avoid falling behind with your work. If you’re aiming for top marks you’ll need to do some more complex tasks involving independent research - this is where you will need the most focus and determination.
4. Don’t be a copy cat
Plagiarism is a sure fire way to fail, no matter how hard you’ve worked. You will not be allowed to copy any words from textbooks, the Internet or other students (past and present) without referencing the source (as a minimum and no, Grandma Pat is unfortunately not a credible source). So much information is readily available online these days it’s easy to fall into a trap of taking what’s written as literal – so make sure you use legitimate academic references. Remember Wikipedia isn’t a credible source! Make sure everything is in your own words, as you’ll need to sign a declaration stating that it’s your own original work.
5. Pace and reward yourself
All work and no play makes a very unhappy student! After you’ve finished a piece of work, or met one of your goals for that week, reward yourself in some way. It can be something small like doing some online shopping or having your favourite sweet treat. Alternatively, if you’ve finished a big goal, like your portfolio, you can go out and reward yourself with something much bigger, that you can look forward to after exams!