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Anne's background is in public health and health promotion, on research based projects at a local, regional and national level. This has been within the NHS, Local Authorities, BBC and National Charities.
She has undertaken a wide range of research and consultancy appointments on health promotion and public health which have focused on qualitative research and multiagency collaboration. Key areas of interest include communication and community engagement.
Anne's main area of teaching is on the MSc in Public Health. She teaches on the three professional Public Health Modules which focus on the application of theoretical principles to the practice of public health in the workplace.
She has been actively involved in the development of the new BSc (Hons) Public Health degree in relation to placement opportunities and alignment with the UK Public Health Register.
At an undergraduate level she currently teaches on two applied public health modules on BSc (Hons) Health and Well-being.
She is actively involved in the development of the BSc (Hons) Public Health degree in relation to placement opportunities and alignment with the UK Public Health Register.
Assessor for the UK Public Health Register.
Member of the West Midlands Learning for Public Health Network.
Anne teaches on the MSc Research Workshops and she supervises MSc students on a range of public health topics; current examples are sexual health and disability, sexual health and migrant African men and women, and tobacco control within schools.
She has a particular interest in primary qualitative research and also in qualitative systematic reviews.
Rabiee, F. Robbins, A. and Khan, M.(2014) Gym for Free: The Short Term Impact of an Innovative Public Health Policy on the Health and Wellbeing of Residents in a Deprived Constituency in Birmingham, UK. Health Education Journal. Published online 3 November 2014, DOI: 10.1177/0017896914553957
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