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Adam joined BCU in 2018 and is a Lecturer in Sport and Exercise Science, specialising in Physiology. He has extensive applied experience within the area having worked with a wide range of athletes and individuals providing educational support, physiological assessment, hydrotherapy sessions as well as strength and conditioning services.
Adam completed his PhD at Manchester Metropolitan University, within the area of sport and exercise genomics and this involved working with numerous athletes and organisations and resulted in the publication and presentation of high-quality research in internationally renowned journals and at international conferences.
Adam is the joint cluster lead for the Sport and Exercise Science research cluster and continues to research across many areas of sport and exercise science, being an author on more than 30 academic publications. He is a fellow of the Higher Education Academy and primarily teaches on the BSc (Hons) Sport and Exercise Science degree alongside being a route lead on the Masters by Research in Sport, Health or Life Sciences course.
Adam is currently supervising two PhD students.
Herbert, A.J., Williams, A.G., Lockey, S.J., Erskine, R.M., Sale, C., Hennis, P.J., Day, S.H. and Stebbings, G.K., 2021. Bone mineral density in high-level endurance runners: part A—site-specific characteristics. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 121(12), pp.3437-3445.
Herbert, A.J., Williams, A.G., Lockey, S.J., Erskine, R.M., Sale, C., Hennis, P.J., Day, S.H. and Stebbings, G.K., 2021. Bone mineral density in high-level endurance runners: Part B—genotype-dependent characteristics. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 122(1), pp.71-80.
Varley, I., Stebbings, G., Williams, A.G., Day, S., Hennis, P., Scott, R., Grazette, N. and Herbert, A.J., 2021. An investigation into the association of bone characteristics and body composition with stress fracture in athletes. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness.
Herbert, A.J., Williams, A.G., Hennis, P.J., Erskine, R.M., Sale, C., Day, S.H. and Stebbings, G.K., 2019. The interactions of physical activity, exercise and genetics and their associations with bone mineral density: implications for injury risk in elite athletes. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 119(1), pp.29-47.
Khanal, P., He, L., Herbert, A.J., Stebbings, G.K., Onambele-Pearson, G.L., Degens, H., Morse, C.I., Thomis, M. and Williams, A.G., 2020. The association of multiple gene variants with ageing skeletal muscle phenotypes in elderly women. Genes, 11(12), p.1459.
Khanal, P., Morse, C.I., He, L., Herbert, A.J., Onambélé-Pearson, G.L., Degens, H., Thomis, M., Williams, A.G. and Stebbings, G.K., 2022. Polygenic models partially predict muscle size and strength but not low muscle mass in older women. Genes, 13(6), p.982.
Brazier, J., Antrobus, M.R., Herbert, A.J., Callus, P.C., Stebbings, G.K., Day, S.H., Heffernan, S.M., Kilduff, L.P., Bennett, M.A., Erskine, R.M. and Raleigh, S.M., 2022. Gene variants previously associated with reduced soft tissue injury risk: Part 1–independent associations with elite status in rugby. European Journal of Sport Science, pp.1-10.
Stebbings, G.K., Williams, A.G., Herbert, A.J., Lockey, S.J., Heffernan, S.M., Erskine, R.M., Morse, C.I. and Day, S.H., 2018. TTN genotype is associated with fascicle length and marathon running performance. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 28(2), pp.400-406.
McAuley, A.B., Varley, I., Herbert, A.J., Suraci, B., Baker, J., Johnston, K. and Kelly, A.L., 2023. Maturity- Associated Polygenic Profiles of under 12–16-Compared to under 17–23-Year-Old Male English Academy Football Players. Genes, 14(7), p.1431.
McAuley, A.B., Baker, J., Johnston, K., Varley, I., Herbert, A.J., Suraci, B., Hughes, D.C., Tsaprouni, L.G. and Kelly, A.L., 2023. Talent inclusion and genetic testing in sport: A practitioner’s guide. Current Issues in Sport Science (CISS), 8(1), pp.008-008.
Hall, E.C., Lockey, S.J., Heffernan, S.M., Herbert, A.J., Stebbings, G.K., Day, S.H., Collins, M., Pitsiladis, Y.P., Erskine, R.M. and Williams, A.G., 2023. The PPARGC1A Gly482Ser polymorphism is associated with elite long-distance running performance. Journal of Sports Sciences, 41(1), pp.56-62.
McAuley, A.B., Hughes, D.C., Tsaprouni, L.G., Varley, I., Suraci, B., Roos, T.R., Herbert, A.J., Jackson, D.T. and Kelly, A.L., 2023. A systematic review of the genetic predisposition to injury in football. Journal of Science in Sport and Exercise, 5(2), pp.97-115.
Dines, H., Nixon, J., Lockey, S.J., Herbert, A.J., Kipps, C., Pedlar, C.R., Day, S.H., Heffernan, S.M., Antrobus, M.R., Brazier, J. and Erskine, R.M., 2022. Collagen gene polymorphisms previously associated with resistance to soft-tissue injury are more common in competitive runners than non-athletes. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research.
Papadimitriou, I.D., Lockey, S.J., Voisin, S., Herbert, A.J., Garton, F., Houweling, P.J., Cieszczyk, P., Maciejewska-Skrendo, A., Sawczuk, M., Massidda, M. and Calò, C.M., 2018. No association between ACTN3 R577X and ACE I/D polymorphisms and endurance running times in 698 Caucasian athletes. BMC Genomics, 19(1), pp.1-9.
Herbert, A.J., Williams, A.G., Lockey, S.J., Erskine, R.M., Hennis, P.J., Sale, C., Day, S.H. and Stebbings, G.K., 2017. Associations of bone mineral density-related genes and marathon performance in elite european caucasian marathon runners.
Herbert, A.J., Williams, A.G., Lockey, S.J., Erskine, R.M., Heffernan, S.M., Pedlar, C.R., Kipps, C., Day, S.H. and Stebbings, G.K. 2016. ACTN3 R577x genotype is not associated with elite European Caucasian marathon performance.
Stebbings, G.K., Herbert, A.J., Pielke Jr, R., Tucker, R., Heffernan, S. and Williams, A.G., 2021. The BASES Expert Statement on Eligibility for Sex Categories in Sport: Trans Athletes. The British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences abstracts, 39(Supple), pp.3-5.
Stebbings, G.K., Herbert, A.J., Pielke Jr, R., Tucker, R., Heffernan, S. and Williams, A.G.,2021. The BASES Expert Statement on Eligibility for Sex Categories in Sport: Trans Athletes. The British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences abstracts, 39(Supple), pp.3-5.
Brazier, J., Antrobus, M., Herbert, A.J., Stebbings, G.K., Day, S., Heffernan, S., Erskine, R., Kilduff, L. and Williams, A.G. 2018. Association of MMP3 but not TIMP2 gene variants with elite rugby player status and rugby code.
Stebbings, G.K., Williams, A.G., Herbert, A.J., Lockey, S.J., Morse, C.I. and Day, S.H., 2016. Titin genotype is associated with skeletal muscle fascicle length in recreationally active men and running performance in habitually trained marathon runners. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 50(Suppl), pp.A55-A56.
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