Jack Spencer

Jack is a postgraduate research student (GRTA) at Birmingham City University that assists academic members of staff with their teaching and research responsibilities while also conducting research for his doctorate (PhD).

Jack’s research project focuses on a rare paediatric cancer called neuroblastoma that remains poorly understood and challenging to treat. The project aims to identify cellular mechanisms that are associated with differentiation in neuroblastoma cells to provide a better understanding of this cellular process which shall offer new therapeutic targets or strategies to treat this form of cancer.

Jack’s previous experience includes practice in clinical, industrial, and research laboratories which range from high-throughput polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing to analyzing breast and lung cancer phenotypes to create novel diagnostic assays for cancer detection and personalized treatment.

Prior to his industrial experience, Jack attended London Metropolitan University and was awarded a first-class bachelor’s degree with honours in Biomedical Science (accredited by the Institution of Biomedical Science) and achieved the highest degree score in his subject group.

Areas of Expertise
Postgraduate Supervision
Work With Industry
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