Investigating the Use of Digital Cultural Heritage in Changing Perceptions

Project Code: DIGICULT

Project Description:

Have you ever been fascinated by the changing styles of police uniforms over the years? This project dives deep into this intriguing evolution. Titled "Investigating the Use of Digital Cultural Heritage in Changing Perceptions," we're bringing history to your fingertips in conjunction with the West Midlands Police Museum, but in a modern twist! 

In simpler terms, we're creating a digital collection of police uniforms spanning nearly two centuries. Imagine a virtual museum where you can explore how these uniforms looked from 1839 all the way to 2023. But that's not all; we're also keen to see how these digital showcases might change the way we think about police uniforms and their role in society. 

To achieve this, we'll be using the latest technology to transform physical uniforms into digital patterns and 3D models. Picture being able to 'walk' through a virtual fashion show of police wear from different eras, right from the comfort of your home or classroom. 

Our goal is more than just creating this digital archive; we're also eager to explore its impact. Will this virtual journey change our views about police uniforms? How might it be used in schools or other educational settings? These are some of the intriguing questions we aim to answer. 

Anticipated Findings and Contribution to Knowledge:  

We anticipate uncovering layers of societal narratives, reflections, and values through the changing aesthetics of police uniforms from 1839 to 2023. By transitioning these physical artifacts into a digital realm, we're expecting to find variations in how different eras interpreted authority, formality, and functionality in uniform design. 

Digitalisation is predicted to highlight the nuanced changes in material, emblem placements, colours, and other details that might often be overlooked in physical exhibitions. This detailed digital exploration can offer insights into the technological and societal advancements of each era, and how they influenced the representation of law enforcement. 

Furthermore, by creating an immersive digital experience for the public, we anticipate understanding modern-day perceptions of these uniforms. We expect varied reactions, from nostalgia to critical analysis, and this will offer a contemporary lens through which historical uniforms are viewed. 

Our project's most significant contribution to knowledge will be twofold: 

  1. Historical Contextualisation: We aim to provide a comprehensive digital database that tells a detailed story of police uniform evolution, filling potential gaps in existing historical records. This digital archive, enriched with narratives, will serve as an invaluable resource for researchers, historians, and educators. 
  2. Modern Perception Analysis: By gauging public reactions to our digital archive and the narratives woven around it, we will capture a snapshot of modern-day perceptions of policing, authority, and heritage. This analysis will shed light on the evolving relationship between society and its institutions. 

Person Specification:

Essential Qualifications:
  • Bachelor's or Master's degree in Computer Science, User Experience Design, Digital Humanities, or related field. 
  • Strong skills in extended reality, game engine authoring toolsets, digital media, web technologies, or interactive systems. 
  • Interest in cultural heritage, digital preservation, and societal impact. 
Desirable Skills:
  • Experience in digital storytelling or interactive media design. 
  • Background in social sciences or humanities research. 
  • Knowledge of UX/UI design principles. 
 Personal Attributes:
  • Creative thinker with a passion for cultural heritage. 
  • Excellent communication and collaborative skills. 
  • Ability to work independently and conduct interdisciplinary research. 

Contact (and Director of Studies for this project): Dr Carlo

How to Apply

To apply, please complete the project proposal form,ensuring that you quote the project reference, and then complete the online application where you will be required to upload your proposal in place of a personal statement as a PDF document. 

You will also be required to upload two references, at least one being an academic reference, and your qualification/s of entry (Bachelor/Masters certificate/s and transcript/s).