Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
What we do
At Birmingham City University, we are committed to our approach to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. Read an introduction to our work from the Chair of the Board of Governors.
About us Contact usEDI Strategy, Antiracist Commitment Plan and Respect policies
EDI Strategy 2020-25
Discover how we’re working to achieve our ambition of making our University a fairer organisation, where everyone is able to achieve their potential.
Respect at BCU
In partnership with BCUSU, our policy statement and definitions document set out our joint commitment to sustaining a positive environment free from harassment, discrimination, bullying and victimisation.
Antiracist Commitment Plan
The University’s Antiracist Commitment Plan has been developed in response to the global Black Lives Matter movement. This follows the commitment statement made by BCU in response to the killing of George Floyd in 2020 and the anti-Black racism that exists in society.
EDI Strategy 2020-25 Antiracist Commitment Plan Respect at BCU Gender and Ethnicity Pay Gap Report
Our initiatives

Athena SWAN
The Athena SWAN Charter recognises the advancement of gender equality: representation, progression and success for all. The Charter covers women, men where appropriate and trans staff and students.
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Going for Stonewall
In 2019 Birmingham City University launched the ‘Going for Stonewall’ Project with the aim of developing and embedding best practice in LGBT+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans) inclusion for staff and students.
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Race Equality Charter
The Race Equality Charter aims to improve the representation, progression and success of minority ethnic staff and students within higher education.
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Corporate Responsibility
We are committed to embedding the highest standards of Corporate Responsibility across the University, to working to the highest ethical standards, and to educating our students to be socially, economically and environmentally responsible citizens.
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EDI committee
With the advice of the University’s Equality and Diversity Policy Advisor, to maintain a watching brief on government legislation in relation to equality and good practice in the HE and wider public sector on equality and diversity issues.
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External links
Find more information from external sources and helpful websites on the work being done by charities, companies and organisations to further equality, diversity and inclusion in all sectors.
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Not sure what some of the terms mean that we use across this site? Take a look at our definitions page to find out what exactly it means in the context of equality, diversity and inclusion.
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Employee Networks
Find out which employee steering groups we run at the University, and how you can get involved.
Events and celebrations
Take a look at photos from past events and find out what's coming up in our events calendar.
Past events Events calendar