Legal Status and Constitution

Birmingham City University is a Higher Education Corporation established under the terms of the Education Reform Act 1988.

The University title and degree-awarding powers were granted under the Further and Higher Education Act 1992.

Exempt charity status

As an exempt charity by virtue of Schedule 3 of the Charities Act 2011, the University is required to comply with general charity law but is not registered with the Charity Commission.

The University is regulated by the Office for Students (OfS) which has been the principal regulator for those higher education providers who are exempt charities since 2018.

The members of the University’s Board of Governors act as the University’s trustees for the purpose of charity law.

Charitable objectives

The University’s objectives as defined in the Education Reform Act 1988 are to ‘provide higher education’, to ‘provide further education’ and to ‘carry out research and to publish the results of that research’ for the public benefit.

The University is committed to supporting personal transformation and, through the transformation of the life opportunities of our students, to driving the success of our city and region.

A focus on applied learning, on service to our city and on the widening of education to all who can benefit from it remain at the heart of the University. They are central to the University’s understanding of its inherent charitable objectives. Our statement of public benefit is included in our 2023-24 Financial Statements.

Legal documents

The constitution of the University is set out in its legal documents, the Instrument and Articles of Government, which stipulate how institutional governance and decision-making processes should operate.

TheInstrument of Governmentapproved by the Privy Council in April 1993 outlines the membership and size of the Board of Governors, the length of service and terms of appointment of governors and allows for the establishment of committees.

The Articles of Government (last updated in 2020 in respect of Academic Board membership) outline the responsibilities of the Board of Governors, the Vice-Chancellor and the Academic Board and the procedures for the conduct of board meetings. 

Consolidated financial statements

The University's most recently published financial statements are provided below.

Financial Statements 2023-24
Financial Statements 2022-23
Financial Statements 2021-22
Financial Statements 2020-21
Financial Statements 2019-20
Financial Statements 2018-19
Financial Statements 2017-18
Financial Statements 2016-17

The University’s legal name and correspondence address are:

Birmingham City University
University House
15 Bartholomew Row
B5 5JU

University Switchboard:

+44 (0)121 331 5000