Blog Article

To improve our cybersecurity and protect personal data, all BCU staff, students and graduates will need to register for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). MFA means you will need to verify your login when accessing BCU systems, similar to what you may have set up for online banking.
What is Multi Factor Authentication?
Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) is the process of using two or more independent factors to verify a user's identity for a login, and to access secure data - similar to what you may use with online banking.
- The first factor is something known only to you - your BCU password.
- The second factor is a single use code sent to your personal device (mobile phone or tablet) OR a message sent asking for confirmation that you are attempting to log in.
Why do we need MFA? What are the benefits?
MFA protects your personal data, BCU data and keeps the University secure against cyber attacks.
Each year, cyber attacks are becoming more sophisticated and safeguarding our data has become more crucial than ever. Multi Factor Authentication is just one of the vital security measures in place as a solution to this.
Always remember that, as a staff member, student or graduate of BCU, you have a responsibility to keep data secure and be on guard against possible breaches and theft.
Which systems are protected by MFA?
- iCity
- Outlook (email)
- Moodle
- Mahara
- Office 365 suite of applications
How do I register for MFA?
When you attempt to login to access any BCU services from outside of the University you will be prompted to register for MFA. Follow these simple steps to activate your authentication.
You will not be able to access BCU services until you have activated your authentication.
Changing your password
MFA also gives you the ability to reset or change your BCU password yourself, from home.
If you have been set up with MFA, you will now have access to reset or change your password for BCU services when you:
- Are working remotely from the BCU network (at home or somewhere else off campus),
- Have internet access and,
- Have access to another device (a mobile phone or tablet).
Instructions for resetting your password are available from iCity.
Instructions: How to reset your password
For IT Help and support
Please contact IT Helpdesk via ithelp@bcu.ac.uk or 0121 331 6543 with your query and a contact number and a member of the support team will call you back at the earliest opportunity.