Educational Development Service

The Educational Development Service (EDS) works with academic schools, staff, students, professional services and BCUSU, bringing together innovators and their good practice to address priorities in the University's Strategic Plan.

Student support

Centre for Academic Success

CAS is here for all and can advise you on a range of academic, technical and numerical topics. With one-to-one tutorials, regular workshops, and our collection of online resources we can aid you in developing these skills.

Academic support


Graduate+ is an awards programme which records a range of activities in addition to your degree. Your extra-curricular activities allow you to work towards Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum levels.

Graduate+ award

Hardship Fund

The University’s hardship fund provides help to students experiencing financial difficulties due to an unplanned shortfall in funding. A number of funds are offered to support you to achieve a positive outcome from your time here.

About the hardship fund

Staff support

Academic Professional Apprenticeship/PGCert

The APA/PGCert(HE) is designed for new to Higher Education staff who have a responsibility for learning, teaching and assessment.

Register your interest

HEA fellowships (PSF scheme)

The University's Professional Standards Framework can help you to achieve Fellowship of the HEA. Book an introductory workshop, or see how to submit an application.

About the Fellowship

Individual professional development

Staff can access a range of individual professional development opportunities, including the online PGCert, and a variety of accredited SEDA courses.

Development opportunities

Technology Enhanced Learning and Teaching

TELT supports and advises academic staff across the University with learning technology, including Moodle and Mahara.

Technology support

Centre for Academic Success

CAS works with staff from across the University to explore and address students' needs in academic and assessment literacy skills and embed these in their teaching.

Academic support for staff

Academic Programme Support

Academic Programme Support can advise on a range of programme, course and module enquiries. Find out about our support for course leaders, course team consultancy and LEGs.

Academic programme support

Conferences and events

EDS deliver several conferences and events throughout the year. Find out more about these, and how to attend.

Conferences and events

Student and staff partnership projects

Our projects provide opportunities for students and staff to design interventions that improve the student experience.

Partnership projects

Education Development Service library

Our EDS library contains resources including guidance documents, case studies and journal articles.

EDS library

Get in touch

We have a strong ethos for partnership working and welcome collaboration from across the institution. Please get in touch for a conversation about enhancing the staff and student learning experience.

EDS Contacts

Melanie-Marie Haywood

Director of the Education Development Service

Rachel Curzon

Head of Digital Academic Practice

Maggie Gibson

Head of Learner Development

Rachel Sproson

Hardship Funds Manager

Marisa Parker

Finance and Administration Manager

See our full staff listing