Preparing for university

Readying yourself for university is so much more than getting applications in and heading there at the start of term. It’s important to get yourself university ready and you can find tips on areas such as study skills for you to use now, as well as at university, to employability advice and mental health and wellbeing tips.



You may be thinking about how to make yourself more employable or how best to spend your time. This talk guides you through different ways to improve or increase your employability, with some suggestions to get you ready for higher education and the world of work.

CV writing

This talk explores how to create an impactful CV, covering content through to structure and providing useful examples throughout. You can pause the video to undertake short exercises throughout and work on enhancing your own CV as you go!

CV template

This provides handy guidance tips about content to cover and how to structure your CV: a useful supporting document to accompany our talk.

Download our CV template

Picture of pen and calculator

Mental health and wellbeing

Disability support

This short talk guides you through the support available for BCU students with disabilities, medical conditions or specific learning difficulties, and what you need to do to put that support in place.

Disability support pages

Mental health and wellbeing toolkit

You'll find tips on how to stay healthy and suggestions of how to incorporate healthy habits into your daily routine. It also shares useful websites and signposts services that may provide further support.

Download our mental health and wellbeing toolkit

The benefits of mindfulness

A short talk that provides a light touch guide on aspects of mindfulness, exploring its benefits and providing suggested activities to try out every day.

Self care checklists

Our self care checklists allow you to check in with yourself and the start, during and at the end of the week. They allow you to set goals and reflect on your achievements, as well as your mental health and wellbeing.

Start of week check-in     Mid week check-in

End of week check-in

30 day mindfulness challenge

Find 30 different ways to be mindful. Try one every day and complete the full month or just select a few to try something new and see what suits you.

Download our 30 day mindfulness challenge

Productivity and goal setting

This video covers how to successfully set goals and achieve them and how to ensure you are spending your time being productive. It takes the time to reflect upon personal goals and how productive you may be.​

Good life to study balance

Life is all about balance. Here are some of our top tips for finding that balance so you can look after your wellbeing whilst being studious.

Download our tips for a life to study balance

Time management activity

Time management is key to success with your studies and that next step in life and studying at university. Try out out time management task and see if you've got the skills to help you succeed at uni.

Download our time management activity

Studying from home

Your study environment is crucial and you'll find that your study space at home is just as important as on campus. Check out our top ten tips to working at home and great habits for study.

Download our studying from home tips

Moving away from home

Moving away from home is a big step. Here are some tips about what to take with you, how to prepare yourself and how to create your home from home.

Download our moving away tips

Study skills

Study skills and revision

Developed in collaboration with academic support staff and current students, our revision guide provides useful techniques, including revision hacks, exam tips and these covers a range of styles to suit different learners.

Download our exams and revision guide

Daily revision checklist

Use this daily checklist to make sure that you stay on track with your revision each day, allowing you to plan what you need to do to achieve your revision goals as well as tips to stay healthy.

Revision toolkit

Download our handy guide to revision websites, videos and resources that may help aid your revision through the year and not just during the exam period.

Download our revision toolkit


All of the videos on this page have been audibly transcribed.

    Disability support panel

    Disability support at BCU Speaker: Darren Martin, Pre-Entry Disability Adviser at BCU

    This session will give you information about the support that BCU offers to students with disabilities, medical conditions or specific learning difficulties and give you guidance on what you need to do to put that support put in place.


    We will look at: why you might need support during your studies, the support that we offer at BCU, the importance of disabled students allowance which can fund specialist equipment and support, evidence you need to provide to us about your disability, and your next steps to get your support in place.


    Let’s start with why you might need support.

    If you have a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial negative effect on your ability to do normal daily activities and which last for 12 months or more you could be eligible for some support from the disability support team.

    Examples of these conditions are: a physical or sensory disability, a specific learning difficulty, or a long-term health condition.


    If you do have additional needs, the disability support team will make reasonable adjustments to exams, assessments, teaching sessions and course materials for the duration of your study.

    These adjustments will remove any barriers from your ability to study so that you can maintain your independent learning and will enable you to participate fully on your course.

    Our team is made up of specialists who support a wide range of disabilities and conditions and we are a confidential service so your information is only passed on with your consent.

    We offer: face-to-face and online appointments and drop-in sessions across BCU campuses, we deliver screening, assessment and support for students with specific learning difficulties, we can give you guidance on how to apply for disabled students allowance which I’ll talk about more on the next slide, and we can set up access to study support workers including mentors and study skills tutors.

    We can also provide you with advice about enabling equipment, specialist software and information about accessibility across campus.


    Disabled Students Allowance, also called DSA, is a very important government grant that can help pay for extra costs related to your disability or condition.

    You don’t need to pay it back and it is not means tested.

    It can be used to pay for specialist equipment such as a laptop, Dictaphone or assistive software.

    Please be aware that if you do choose to have a laptop through DSA, you will need to pay towards it’s cost, but this will be much less than the total cost of the device.

    DSA can also cover the cost of: 1-2-1 mentors and study skills tutors, extra travel costs for your journey to and from university, and general costs like printer ink, photocopying or Braille books.

    Disabled students who utilise the support provided by DSA do better at university than those who don’t, which is why it’s so important to see whether you are eligible to receive DSA as soon as possible.

    You can find out more information at the website shown on the screen or by searching “student DSA”


    For both DSA and support from the university, you will need to provide formal medical evidence about your disability that explains the condition and the effect it has on you.

    Examples of evidence we can accept include: a letter from a GP, consultant or other qualified medical professional, an audiogram with accompanying diagnosis report, a certificate of visual impairment, a diagnostic assessment report by an educational psychologist or specialist teacher assessor which diagnoses a specific learning difficulty, or an education health and care plan.

    Examples of what we do not accept include: prescriptions, hospital admission or discharge notes, blood test results, or access arrangement forms, also known as Form 8s, that are issued at schools and colleges. It is important to get the right evidence to us as soon as possible because we cannot arrange any reasonable adjustments without suitable evidence.


    If you are planning to move into university accommodation during your studies contact our accommodation service as soon as possible to discuss any specific requirements. They can arrange a variety of adjustments including, wheelchair accessible rooms, rooms with a pull cord or specific equipment to make sure those with sensory disabilities are notified if an emergency situation occurs.

    When you apply for a room, please provide accommodation services with information about your disability and any specific needs you have. Depending on your disability you may be able to stay in university accommodation for the duration of your studies at BCU. For more information and contact details, please visit the website shown on screen or type “accommodation” into the search box of the BCU website.


    If you have personal support needs which include needed help with shopping, making or eating food , finding your way around, or personal care such as washing or using the toilet, you will need to make these arrangements yourself as neither the University nor disabled students allowance pay for this type of support.

    To do this, contact your local adult social services department.

    It’s important that this is in place before you start university as the process can take a long time to be completed. Again, we advise you to make contact with social services as soon as possible to avoid you starting without the help you need.


    As you have seen, there are a few steps to complete to make sure that support is in place for you during your university studies.

    To summarise, the first step is to make sure that you declare your disability or condition on your university application or contact BCU to tell us

    This starts the process by letting the disability support team know that you are interested in studying with us. It does not influence the decision of whether or not you will be made an offer as you will be evaluated on the entry requirements and your academic merit. If you have declared your disability and go on to receive an offer from BCU, you will receive an email from the disability support team asking you to: send us your medical evidence, complete our disability profile form where you can tell us about your condition and how it affects you, and look into disabled students allowance to see whether you are eligible and if so, start the application process.

    Additionally, we encourage you to visit a BCU open day or applicant taster day to find out more about your course and facilities so that you can think about any adjustments that you may need.

    If you intend to stay in University accommodation, contact our accommodation services and if you need personal support contact your local social services department.


    If you have any questions, the disability support team is happy to help. You can contact us by email at or by phone on 0121 331 6495.

    We have a pre-entry disability adviser who can arrange to speak to you by phone or online and you are welcome to have a parent, guardian, family member or support worker with you.

    I hope this has been helpful and hope to see you soon.