Research students

7 items found, viewing items 1 to 7.

  • Joanne Berry-Frith

    Doctoral researcher

    "Over the last six years, I have been conducting doctoral research its roots collaboration of over 10 years with the School of Life Sciences, Nottingham University and their project Advanced imaging and Microscopy. This led to further collaborations with a wider network of internationally renowned core imaging laboratories in...

  • Kendall Cowle

    Doctoral researcher

    Kendall Cowle (Kenny) is a current PhD candidate at Birmingham City University and is being funded by Midlands4Cities. Her research focuses specifically on developing new understandings of Cerebral Visual Impairment (CVI) though the use of photography. I n undertaking this research, Kenny hopes to raise awareness of...

  • Lisa Deml

    Doctoral researcher

    Lisa Deml is a Midlands4Cities funded researcher who holds degrees in Art History and Philosophy from the Courtauld Institute of Art, London, and the Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich. Initially trained as a journalist, she subsequently worked for public cultural institutions and non-profit organisations internationally,...

  • Joanna Fursman

    Doctoral researcher

    Joanna is an artist-educator studying a practice-led PhD at the School of Art, Birmingham. I have been a lecturer for MA and BA Art and Education Practices and since 2016 on Initial Teacher Education courses across Birmingham City and Newman University, Birmingham.

  • Jacob Koster

    Doctoral researcher

    Jacob is a postgraduate researcher at the Birmingham School of Art, where he holds a STEAMhouse studentship. His research focuses on the historical relation between art and critique, using this as a lens to investigate the recent explosion in activist art practices. Jacob holds an MA in Philosophy from the University of York...

  • Nat Muller

    Doctoral researcher

    Natalie's  research looks at how science fiction (SF) and futurism are articulated in contemporary art and film from the Middle East. It explores at which historical and geo-political junctures SF and futurism appear in art and filmic practices. 

  • Emily Scarrott

    Doctoral researcher

    Emily is an artist and PhD candidate in the School of Art. Her practice-led research explores the absurd as a non-cis-male protagonist. These experiences are led by nourishing and tactile encounters with unfertilised eggs. She is currently performing durational care to one specific egg; he is doing quite well, and they go...

7 items found, viewing items 1 to 7.

Research students 

  • Simon Fleury
  • Sophie Hedderwick
  • Lucy Lopez
  • Niamh Meehan
  • Sean Wilson