6 items found, viewing items 1 to 6.
Professor Anthony Downey
Professor of Visual Culture
Dr. Anthony Downey is Professor of Visual Culture, with a focus on the Middle East and Global South (Birmingham City University). Developing national and international partnerships with artists and cultural organisations, Downey's interdisciplinary research contributes to and supports a critical understanding of postcolonial...
Demitrios Kargotis
Course Leader: MA Design: Active Practice
Demitrios Kargotis works as part of the design action group Dash n’ Dem. Since 2010, their wide-ranging participatory projects centre on popular education and critical and creative citizenship participation. The open-ended, collaborative structure of their practice explores how co-creation can act as a form of activism that...
Dr. Lisa Metherell
Senior Lecturer in Art and Design
Dr Lisa Metherell is Research Degree Coordinator, supporting PhD students across Art and Design. She co-leads the Art Activisms research cluster . Lisa's research is particularly informed by the tensions between queer theory and phenomenology and how what we 'know' might be usefully troubled by what we 'feel'. She is...
Theo Reeves-Evison
Senior Lecturer in Theoretical and Contextual Studies
Dr. Theo Reeves-Evison is a writer, researcher and Senior Lecturer in Theoretical and Contextual Studies, where his research focuses on the critical imbrications of Art, Ecology and Visual Culture. From 2018-22 he was the principal investigator on the Leverhulme funded research project ‘Speculative Natures: Contemporary Art...
Dr Sian Vaughan
Associate Professor in Research Practice
Dr Sian Vaughan is Associate Professor in Research Practice and she leads RAAD – the centre for research in art, architecture, and design at Birmingham City University, providing strategic leadership, coordination, and care for a growing community of researchers. Sian is an internationally recognised researcher with...
Stuart Whipps
Senior Lecturer in Photography
I am interested in a broad definition and application of photography and the dialogue between the photographic image and object.
6 items found, viewing items 1 to 6.