Diploma in Professional Studies in Education Collection

This course aimed to promote the professional development of qualified art teachers by offering them the opportunity to gain first-hand experience of a wider range of art and design activities, to engage critically with contemporary issues affecting educational practices in art and design, and to reflect on their professional responsibilities and aspirations in the context of changes in primary, secondary and further education. It was based in the School of Art’s Margaret Street building.   

The collection contains administrative records relating to the running of the course during the 1980s and 1990s, including agendas and minutes of exam boards, examiners’ reports, documents relating to the validation of the course, admissions records, student handbooks, course outlines and evaluation forms; students’ reports on projects they ran in local schools; exhibition boards of student work; video tapes of student shows; details of a member of staff’s research on ‘Subject Leadership in Art’; and, somewhat incongruously, five bound volumes of  from the late 1930s.  

The admission records and any others in which individual students can be identified are currently closed to visitors to comply with UK legislation on data protection.  

Birmingham Art and Design Archive

Open Tuesday - Thursday, 10am - 5pm