The Film Fanzine Collection

Video Watchdog was first published in 1990 and ran to 184 issues with the final issue being published in 2017.  It was a bimonthly magazine published initially in black and white but had become a colour publication by 1992. 

It was published by Tim and Donna Lucas in Cincinnati in the US as a consumer-orientated guide to film on tape and disc whose aim was not to review films but to offer a more technical critique of how the film was presented on video. It also aimed to report on the content of video releases, noting whether anything had been edited out, cropped, or renamed for international audiences. The magazine focused on horror, science fiction and fantasy films but did not restrict itself completely to these genres. 

The collection at the Arts, Design and Media Archive contains 110 issues of the magazine dating from 1990 to 2012. This represents an incomplete run from issue one to issue 171.

Birmingham Art and Design Archive

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