Dr Colette Jeffrey
Dr Colette Jeffrey is an Associate Professor of Wayfinding and Inclusive Design at Birmingham City University where she teaches wayfinding and graphic design on the BA(Hons) Graphic Design course, supervises PhDs, and researches real-world wayfinding behaviour. Her PhD investigated why people get lost in buildings and the influence of information design, architecture, and the navigator’s ability which links to her professional experience as Wayfinding Design Director at two global design agencies.
Colette led multi-disciplinary teams researching and designing wayfinding information for hospitals, universities, airports, museums, arenas, and cities. She co-wrote the official NHS hospital wayfinding guidance and advised on inclusive wayfinding for . She is a Fellow of the Royal Institute of Navigation. She is Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Colette continues to share her ideas on graphic design, inclusive wayfinding systems and wayguiding at international talks, seminars, consultancy work and publications.
Current Activity
- Module Leader, Senior Lecturer, Personal tutor & PhD supervisor
- Undergraduate: BA Graphic Design module leader, lecturer – Visual Communication teaching, coordination and assessment
- International teaching and coordination - BA Graphic Communication, Wuhan, China at BIFCA (2016-2021) and SHAPE, IVE, Hong Kong (2009- 2019)
- Post-Graduate and Doctoral Supervision - supporting researchers exploring wayfinding, indoor and city navigation, information design, inclusive design and human behaviour within architecture.
Doctoral (PhD) thesis
Why People Get Lost In Buildings: The Influence of architecture, information and navigator cognition on indoor wayfinding and waylosing. Research papers to Journal of Navigation, Environment and Behaviour, Information Design Journal and design books are planned.
Post-Doctorate Research
Funding applications and opportunities for:
- Indoor Human Wayfinding and Inclusive Navigation Systems (Royal Institute of Navigation)
- Information and sign design for wayfinding (Sign Design Society – new Sign Design Guide)
- Navigator cognition and indoor wayfinding (Royal Institute of Navigation special interest group, UCL & NHS)
- Inclusive design and wayfinding with visual impairments (BCU and De Montfort University)
Areas of Expertise
- Wayfinding strategy and information design
- Inclusive design audits
- Graphic design and research skills teaching
- Qualitative research methods
- Applied research for wayfinding design
- PhD, Birmingham City University, Birmingham School of Architecture (2020)
- PGCert Research Methods, Birmingham City University (2012)
- PGCert Higher Education Teaching & Learning, Birmingham City University (2010)
- MA Information Graphic Design (Distinction), De Montfort University, Leicester (1993)
- BA (Hons) 3D Design (Interior Design), Leeds Metropolitan University (1987-1991)
Royal Institute of Navigation – Fellow, Trustee, Council member
https://rin.org.uk/page/Council and https://cognavrin.org.uk/nav-wayfinding
- Advanced HE (Higher Education Academy) – Senior Fellow https://www.advance-he.ac.uk/
- Sign Design Society – Appointed Honorary Member 2023 https://www.signdesignsociety.co.uk/
- BA(Hons) Graphic Design
My ongoing research includes:
- An investigation of wayfinding at Birmingham Children’s Hospital and other hospital sites – a consultancy and research project
- Finding ways to aid wayfinding for people with Alzheimer’s Disease working with the Royal Institute of Navigation and researchers at UCL and UEA
- Researching and writing a book on Waylosing and Wayfinding for Routledge publishers
Postgraduate Supervision
2 PhD second supervisions:
- A study of bi-lingual advertising in Bahrain - BCU
- A study of wayfinding information for cyclists in Lisbon – Lisbon University
Book currently under contract
- Jeffrey, C. (2024) Waylosing & Wayfinding in Architecture: Why people get lost in buildings and how design can help. Research in Architecture series. London: Routledge Publishers – to be published end of 2024.
Books (Jeffrey, nee Miller)
- Miller, C. and Lewis, D (1999) Wayfinding: Guidance for Healthcare Facilities. London: The Stationery Office. Re-issued in 2005 by Department of Health (DOH). Available at: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/148500/Wayfinding.pdf
Peer-reviewed book chapter
- Jeffrey, C (2017) Wayfinding Perspectives: Static and digital wayfinding systems, can a Wayfinding Symbiosis be achieved? In Black, A., Luna, P., Lund, O. and Walker, S. (eds) Information Design: Research and Practice. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 509-526.
PhD thesis
- Jeffrey, C. (2019) Why people get lost inside buildings: The influence of architecture, information and navigator cognition on indoor wayfinding and waylosing. PhD Thesis, Birmingham City University.
Edited book chapters
- Jeffrey, C. (2005) By the Book: Hospitals in the UK. In Mollerup, P. (ed) Wayshowing: A Guide to Environmental Signage Principles and Practices. Baden: Lars Müller Publishers, pp. 231-233.
- Jeffrey, C. (2005) Landmark Wayshowing: Tower Bridge. In Mollerup, P. (ed) Wayshowing:
- A Guide to Environmental Signage Principles and Practices. Baden: Lars Müller Publishers, pp. 284-285.
- Miller, C. (1998) Exploring the 3D Interface: Orientation Diagrams. In Wildbur, P (ed) Information Graphics. London: Thames and Hudson, pp. 138-139.
Peer-reviewed papers
- Jeffrey, C. and Fendley, T. (2011) Accessible mapping: what to leave out. In Proceedings of Include 2011 Conference. Helen Hamlyn Centre, Royal College of Art, London, 18-20 April 2011, pp. 466-475. Available at: file:///Users/id112056/Downloads/Include_2011_Proceedings_final_-_Section_4.pdf
- Jeffrey, C. (2011) Hospital wayfinding: whose role is it? In Proceedings of Include 2011 Conference. Helen Hamlyn Centre, Royal College of Art, London, 18-20 April 2011, pp.477-486. Available at: file:///Users/id112056/Downloads/Include_2011_Proceedings_final_-_Section_4.pdf
- Miller, C. and Lewis, D. (2000). Wayfinding in complex healthcare environments. Information Design Journal, 9 (2/3), pp.129-159.
Conference and seminar presentations
- Jeffrey, C. (2022) The Art of Wayfinding: Why people get lost and how designers can help. Sign Design Society seminar series. 14 July 2022. Available at: https://www.signdesignsociety.co.uk/event/9947/
- Jeffrey, C. (2022) Lost or wayfinding? How we can help people find their way in cities. FIRA Landscape Architects seminar series. Birmingham, 25 April 2022.
- Jeffrey, C. (2022) Towards navigation symbiosis: can art, design and science work collaboratively to create mutually beneficial and sustainable relationships for a more navigable world? (Keynote) Waves of Navigation, Royal Institute of Navigation Seminar. London: British Geographical Society, 29 March 2022. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uqWvX841B7U (from 42 minutes)
- Jeffrey, C. (2021) Why people get lost inside buildings: the influence of architecture, information and navigator cognition. Royal Institute of Navigation Seminar Series, 10 February 2021. Available at: https://youtu.be/kL7Wm5LGB0M
- Jeffrey, C. (2021) Indoor navigation & wayfinding: Can the MAGPIE matrix help create a more navigable world? International Navigation Conference 2021, Royal Institute of Navigation, Scotland: Edinburgh International Conference Centre, 17-19 November 2021.
- Jeffrey, C. (2020) Launching the MAGPIE matrix: 10 reasons you get lost and 5 reasons you find your way. Maynard Design Seminar Series. London, 11 February 2020.
- Jeffrey, C. (2019) Lost or wayfinding? How graphic design can help people to navigate. Masterclass Lecture Series. Wuhan, China: BIFCA (Birmingham Institute of Fashion and Creative Art), 12 November 2019.
- Jeffrey, C. (2019) Human Indoor Navigation: why people get lost inside buildings. International Navigation Conference 2019, Royal Institute of Navigation. Scotland: Edinburgh International Conference Centre, 18-21 November 2019.
- Jeffrey, C. (2019) Launching the MAGPIE Matrix: 10 reasons you get lost and 5 reasons you find your way. CityID Design Seminar Series. Bristol, 30 September 2019.
- Jeffrey, C. (2018) People-centred thinking and design: how to design navigation information for people with disabilities. Location Technology for Assisting Disabled People seminar, Cambridge Wireless. London: Digital Greenwich, 3 May 2018.
- Jeffrey, C. (2018) Is wayfinding relevant? A design industry debate (invited panellist). Sign Design Society seminar. London: Alan Baxter, 13 October 2018.
- Jeffrey, C. (2018) Real-world human navigation. International Navigation Conference 2018, Royal Institute of Navigation. Bristol: Mercure Grand Hotel, 12-15 November 2018.
- Jeffrey, C. and Willis, J. (2017) The use of art to support wayfinding across complex health buildings. European Healthcare Design conference. London: Royal College of Physicians, 13-14 June 2017.
- Jeffrey, C. (2017) Two birds & one stone: Integrating undergraduate experiential learning with practice-led postgraduate research data gathering Festival of Teaching. Birmingham: Birmingham City University, 10 July 2017.
- Jeffrey, C. (2017) Human navigation, cognition & information design: why people get lost in cities and buildings. International Navigation Conference 2017, Royal Institute of Navigation. Brighton: Metropole Hotel, 27-30 November 2017.
- Jeffrey, C. (2016) Don’t lose your students! Graphic Design Educators Network Conference. Wales: Cardiff University, 8 Sept 2016.
- Jeffrey, C. (2016) Navigating documents: clear information design. Galliford Try Bid Design Network seminar series. Birmingham: Library of Birmingham, 17 Nov 2016.
- Jeffrey, C. (2016) Smart city wayfinding in India: a way-finder’s weekend in New Delhi. Sign Design Society Seminar. London: Alan Baxter design practice, 9 June 2016.
- Jeffrey, C. (2015) Smart city wayfinding. India under construction: Smart Society for Young India international seminar. New Delhi, India: FICCA, 28 Nov 2015.
- Jeffrey, C. (2015) Lost or wayfinding? The interplay of information and people inside buildings. Vision Plus 2015, International Institute for Information Design. Birmingham: Birmingham City University, 3 Sept 2015.
- Jeffrey, C. (2013) Are you lost? Wayfinding workshop. Well-Being 2013 conference. Birmingham: Birmingham City University, 24 July 2013.
- Jeffrey, C (2013) Are you lost? Learning from animal and human wayfinding behaviour. ResCon 2013 conference. Birmingham: Birmingham City University, 17 December 2013.
- Jeffrey, C. (2013) The birds and the bees: what humans can learn from animal wayfinding behaviour. Sign Design Society Seminar, London: Alan Baxter design practice, 4 July 2013.
- Jeffrey, C. (2011) Get Lost! Identity and Wayfinding in Schools seminar. Architecture Centre Network. Birmingham; MADE, 1 Feb 2011.
- Jeffrey, C. (2010) Losing your patients: can hospital signs ever work? ResCon 2010 conference. Birmingham: Birmingham City University, 21 June 2010.
- Jeffrey, C. (2009) Inclusive design is clever design. InfoDesign09 conference, Information Design Association, London: Greenwich, 3-4 July 2009.
- Jeffrey, C. (2007) Measuring the effectiveness of wayfinding systems. Vision Plus 12 conference, International Institute of Information Design Austria: Schwarzenberg, 5-7 July 2007.
- Jeffrey, C. (2003) Wayfinding & information. Designs and Destinations: Integrated Information for Urban Transport Vision Plus 9. International Institute of Information Design. London. 2-4 July 2003.
- Miller, C. (1999) Wayfinding in complex environments. InfoDesign99, Information Design Network. Cambridge: Moller Institute,12 July 1999.
Professional Research reports
- Jeffrey, C. (2019) Wayfinding and signage review and sign strategy report. London: Queen Mary University of London.
- Jeffrey, C. (2015) Wayfinding and signage review and strategy report. Republic of Ireland: Cork University Hospital.
- Jeffrey, C. (2013) Hospital wayfinding: stakeholder consultation & wayfinding strategy report. Denmark: Kolding Hospital.
- Jeffrey, C. (2012) London 2012: wayfinding and signage accessibility and inclusivity report. London: London Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games (LOCOG).
- Jeffrey, C. (2010). Legible Leeds City wayfinding system inclusivity report. Leeds: Leeds City Council.
Design industry guidance publications
- Jeffrey, C. (2023) Losing your patients? Health Business: Business Information for Healthcare Professionals.23.1, pp25-29 Available at: https://issuu.com/psi-media/docs/health_business_23.1?fr=sNjhkMzU4MDIxMjU
- Jeffrey, C. and Wilsher, W. (2007) Designing for information. Computer Arts, 100. London: Future Publishing, pp. 92-95.
- Jeffrey, C. (2007) Clear a path through the clutter. Brand Strategy, 212, May 2007, pp. 34-35.
- Jeffrey, C. (2006) Wayfinding: it’s more than just signs. Ulster Architect: The Journal of Architecture & Building, 22(7). Northern Ireland: Jemma Publications, pp.49-51.
- Miller, C. (2003) New hospital building: think wayfinding. Hospital Bulletin. Jan/Feb. London: David Publishing Ltd, p.25.
- Miller, C. (2002) Do people get lost at your site? Does it matter? Museums & Heritage, 3. London: Macmillan-Scott Publication, pp.12-13.
- Miller, C. (2000) Losing your patients. Design Insight, 6. London: Royal National Institute for Blind People & Joint Mobility Unit, pp.10-11.
- Miller, C. (1999) Simple routes in complex sites. European Sign Magazine, 6. pp.28.
- Miller, C. (1997) Orientation around The British Library. Design Week, 14 February, p.5.
Work With Industry
Organisations Colette has completed paid wayfinding consultancy work for:
- Birmingham Children’s Hospital – 2023 (BCU Enterprise)
- Queen Mary University of London - 2017
- London Southbank University - 2012
- London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games (LOCOG) – 2012
- 20 NHS hospitals – 1998-2007
Other industry Colette has led: The British Library, The National Library of Wales, Natural History Museum, Tower Bridge, Wembley Arena, Heathrow Airport and shopping centres in Dublin and Dubai.
Companies Colette has worked for:
- Applied Information Group – 2007- 2009 - Inclusive Design Director
- Enterprise IG - 2001 to 2007- Wayfinding Design Director
- Information Design Unit - 1994 to 2001 - Wayfinding Design Director