Nathan Tromans
Nathan Tromans background as a Photographer, with an interest in contemporary art and music, provides the backbone to his role in encouraging interdisciplinary practice. Managing some 600 students across the UK, Hong Kong and Thailand, Nathan is committed to ensuring courses have vocational relevance and is active in developing a number of links with appropriate industry partners.
“Work experience and placements are crucial for employability; we know that those students who work on placements are much more likely to get permanent employment in their area of interest. We have made it a priority to embed live projects in our courses, with industry guests, technical master classes, guests and portfolio reviews.”
“The University is a fantastic resource, which is under used. The important thing is that sustainable relationships are built on common interests and values, with mutual benefit. It’s not about renting space, equipment or expertise but about building a creative community.”
This external focus has supported the development of many talented new visual communication specialists.
“Our Graphic Communication students have been particularly successful in the D&AD awards, winning placements and being nominated for the award and being published in the annual book. Illustration students are currently taking part in an exclusive live project/competition with Uni-Ball, using their popular Posca Pens.”
“Two of our photography students have recently been fortunate to get internships at Magnum, the world renowned photo agency. This education partnership with Magnum gives staff and students exclusive access to their on-line database of images, opportunities for internships, an open invitation to Magnum HQ and access to Magnum staff and photographers.”
Nathan is currently looking at ways that he can develop placement opportunities for freelance photographers and has begun one with the Glee Club in Birmingham, where photographers get an opportunity to take live pictures of music and comedy events and also some opportunities for portraiture of touring artists.
“This external interface is crucial, as our staff, students and graduates make up a large part of the creative community in the city and beyond.”