Philip Young
Philip joined Birmingham City University in 2015 having previously taught at the University of Sunderland and Lund University, Sweden.
Before moving into academia he was an award-winning journalist and owner of a successful PR agency. Philip has been investigating the impact of social media on PR theory and practice since 2005, as a lead researcher on the pioneering EuroBlog project then as project leader for NEMO: New Media, Modern Democracy at Lund.
He is co-author of Online Public Relations and a contributor to The Public Relations Handbook. His other research interests include science communication, activism and the portrayals of PR in fiction.
MA Mass Communications, Leicester University
Member of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations
Philip teaches practical and theoretical PR modules at BA and MA level:
BA Public Relations, MA Public Relations, CIPR Diploma, CIPR Advanced Certificate
Impact of social media on PR practice, representations of PR in fiction, activism.
Postgraduate Supervision
MA dissertations
Strategic Communication, Social Media & Democracy The Challenge of the Digital Naturals. (2015) Routledge Joint Editor with Coombs, Falkheimer, Heide. Contributed three chapters Meet the Digital Naturals; What Digital Naturals Demand from Democracy; Exploring the Language of Social Media
Online Public Relations 2nd Ed, with David Phillips (2009) London: Kogan Page
Book Chapters on Media Relations and on Activism for Theaker, A (2016) The Public Relations Handbook 5th Edition, London: Routledge
Barcelona Public Relations 6 (Jun 2016) Panel Entertaining PR: Popular culture and the “smiling professions”
Barcelona PR 5 (Jun 2015) Understanding the Digital Naturals: From theory into practice. (with W Timothy Coombs)
BledCom 2014 Conference, Slovenia: Presented Meet the Digital Naturals, chaired What Next for PR? panel
Barcelona Public Relations 4: Configuring Intelligence for 21C PR Presented papers: Maps, Ethics and Visual Intelligence: What PR can learn from Critical Cartography PR and The Performance of Professionalism (Playing it by the Book).
International Political Science Association World Congress, Montreal: Presented paper What Digital Naturals Demand from Democracy, with Marja Åkerström
NordKomm 7, Copenhagen (Feb 2014): Presented paper Meet The Digital Naturals: Passport not Required
University of The Arts, London (July 2014): Presented paper: Maps, Ethics and Visual Intelligence: What PR can learn from Critical Cartography
Theorising Digital PR, Sharing best practice in digital PR education (PR Community of Practice workshop, supported by the Higher Education Academy) Leeds Metropolitan University, Sept 2013
Curation: Frameworks For A Robust Definition Euprera Congress, Istanbul, Sept 2012
Barcelona PR3 (June 2013): Presented paper I Wish I Were a Cow: PR in Fiction
BledCom 2013: Presented paper: Public Relations: Rules, Gamesmanshipand the Professional Project– Why academics must confront the realities of practice
With Camilla Nothhaft, Howard Nothhaft and sara von Platen
PR in Fiction Stirling 21 CIPR Academic Conference, University of Stirling, Sept 2009
Privacy 2.0: Ethical journalism in a world without secrets Association of Journalism Educators Annual Conference, Sheffield, September 2008
Keynote address: EuroBlog Symposium Brussels, Feb 2008
Social Media and ‘the New PR’: Towards a theoretical perspective
CIPR Academic Conference, London, July 2007
New Ways to Communicate? Theoretical Perspectives on the Use of Social Software in Public Relations and Marketing Euprera EuroBlog 2007 Symposium, Ghent, Belgium, March 2007
The Impact of Social Media on Journalism Teaching
Association of Journalism Educators, Huddersfield, January 2007
Scoop! Journalists in Fiction
Association of Journalism Educators Annual Conference, London, September 2006
Results of the first European Survey on Weblogs in Public Relations and Communication Management
University of Bucharest, Romania, June 2006
Weblogs, Podcasts + Communication Management: Conclusions from EuroBlog 2006
Euprera EuroBlog 2006 Symposium, Stuttgart, March 2006
Ethics and the New PR
New Communications Forum, Palo Alto, CA, USA March 2006
Weblogs: Technological Tweak or Paradigm Shift?
Euprera 7th Annual Congress, Lisbon, Portugal, Nov 2005
As Clear As Your Conscience? The Influence of Ethical Frameworks on PR practice: Lodz Institute, Poland May 2005
Ethics in PR Practice
CIPR Academic Conference, University of Lincoln, March 2005
Work With Industry
Philip was the lead organiser and speaker at six University of Sunderland Delivering the New PR conferences which took place in Sunderland, London, Manchester, Edinburgh and Newcastle. Between November 2005 and June 2006 almost 1000 practitioners were introduced to social media though this ground-breaking series of conferences.
Meet the Digital Naturals, Croatian Public Relations Association, Novi Vindolski, May 2016
Today All PR is Online PR, Croatian Public Relations Association, Zagreb, October 2011
Building Bridges with Social Media, Helsingborg Marknadsföreningen, April 2010
How Social Media is changing Public Relations, CIPR North East Social Media Conference, Newcastle, June 2009
Social Media in Further Education, Association of Colleges annual conference, London May 2009
Ethical Dilemmas when working with the new channels, Norwegian PR Association Autumn Conference, Stavanger, Norway October 2008
How Social Media is Changing PR, Czech Public Relations association April 2008
Ethical PR for Higher Education practitioners (with Albert Hamm, Marc Bloch University, Strasbourg and Franco-German University, Saarbrücken), Euprio Annual Conference, University of Grenoble, France, June 2007
Crossing the border: Ethical challenges in international PR, Polish PR Association conference, Warsaw, April 2007
Workshop on Social Media and Public Relations, Malmö Högskola, Sweden, April 2007
The Impact of Social Software on PR Practice, Health Communicators North, Murton, Co Durham Nov 2006
Measuring the Impact of Social Media on PR Practice, Association for Measurement and Evaluation of CommunicationForum, London, November 2006
What is the New PR?, Get Digital, Arts Council North West, Liverpool, September 2006
The use of weblogs in public relations and communication management, Euprio Annual Conference, University of Vilnius, Lithuania, August 2006
Can PR be a force for good?, CIPR Rebuilding Hope Conference, Leeds, December 8, 2005
Links and Social Media
Twitter: @mediations