
Not sure on what to do between now and starting university? Want some guidance on how to prepare for your starting your course? Give yourself that head start by going through our top recommendations below and you’ll be ready to start uni in no time!
1. Websites to bookmark
These websites are a great way to enhance your industry knowledge before you start your degree:
If you’re a Film Technology and Visual Effects student check out Art of VFX for interviews and news about the VFX community, as well as Before & Afters from journalist Ian Failes. We also recommend My First Job In Film for all film students because building up contacts in industry is a key element of your degree.
As a Digital Media Computing student you can read Wired for the latest news on emerging technologies that effect every aspect of society.
Sound Engineering and Music Technology students can look at Sound on Sound, a blog that keeps you up to date with all things music tech, including the latest equipment and software.
2. Podcasts and Audiobooks
With one quick search you’ll be able to find the right podcast for you. Whether you’re interested in interviews with some of the biggest industry juggernauts or an analysis of something more technical use Apple podcasts or Spotify to find the right one for you.
If you’re a Film and VFX student, why not try a week in film tech by Rekke or The Access: VFX Podcast. If you’re a Sound Engineering student, you could try the UBK Happy Funtime Hour. Computer Games Technology students will enjoy listening to and learning from TechStuff. Take time to explore and find one that interests you!
Also, Audible is offering a 30 day free trial for students so why not make the most of this by finding an autobiography of someone whose career you admire, or perhaps something more technical.
3. Update your LinkedIn Profile
LinkedIn is a global social media app that is used for professional networking with a plethora of employers from all different sectors and organisations. If you haven’t already, we recommend building a LinkedIn profile.
You’ve probably heard of the importance of networking, especially when you’re new in the industry. Luckily, LinkedIn makes networking easy. Spending some time to work on your profile and CV will help you become more visible and build contacts. Connect with your peers and be one of the first to find out about new job opportunities and industry insights.
4. Revamp your social media follow list
Turn browsing social media into a learning tool! If you’re not already, make sure you’re following relevant BCU pages, and some of the industry giants in your field. Here's some examples of accounts you can follow.
You can also join the following Facebook groups: Sound Engineering and Production, Music Technology @ BCU, BCU Film.
5. Books to read
Gather some insight from the following books.
‘Modern recording techniques’ by David Miles Huber. This book provides everything you need to master the tools and day to day practice of music recording and production. From acoustics to mic placement, you will gain a solid foundation about theory and industry practice. A perfect guide for a Music Technology or Sound Engineering & Production student.
‘Don't Make Me Think, Revisited: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability’ by Steve Krug. If you’re a DMC or DMT student, Steve Krug's book is great for understanding the principles of intuitive navigation and information design.
‘The Complete Film Production Handbook’ by Eve Light Honthaner. Honthaner’s book provides you with all the basics of film production, distribution and essential industry principles.
‘The Principles of Beautiful Web Design’ by Jason Beaird. This book will teach you how to understand the process of what makes "good design" from discovery through to implementation, this is particularly useful if you’re a DMC student.
We hope you found this useful in preparing to study for a career in digital technology. Keep in touch with us on Twitter and Facebook to ask us any questions you might have.
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