Sound Engineering vs Music Technology


Sound Engineering Vs Music Technology

What is the difference between BSc Sound Engineering and BSc Music Technology at Birmingham City University? There are a variety of careers you can pursue by studying a Sound Engineering degree or a Music Technology degree. 

Both of our courses will give you access to world-class facilities so that you can experiment with music production, sound engineering, audio electronics and more. Our courses will both provide you with creative and practical skills that will prepare you for industry.

Unsure if you want to study Sound Engineering or Music Technology?

Watch our two videos below to discover more about each course.


Third year student, Adam chose to study Sound Engineering with us as he wanted to take what he had learnt in maths, physics and engineering and apply it to Sound.

Sound Engineering Course



Ewan is a final year student, who chose to study Music Technology with us as it was a perfect way to combine his favourite things: computing, electronics and music.

Music Technology Course