Students explore the legacy of Commonwealth Games


Second-year students on our Real Estate course recently took part in a guided field trip of former Commonwealth Games host cities, Manchester and Glasgow.

The purpose of the trip was to understand and evaluate the lasting legacy of the Games in these two cities, and how Birmingham can learn from their experiences as they ramp up towards hosting the Games this summer.

What did the trip involve?

The trip encompassed visits to a number of sites in both cities such as Sports City in Manchester and Dalmarnock’s Athletes’ Village regeneration project in Glasgow, which were directly impacted by the Games and the development opportunities that came with it. Students also had the chance to explore how other regeneration projects such as Salford Quays in Manchester helped feed into the larger goals of city transformation, which hosting events such as the Games can themselves become a part of.

Students were given guided tours covering every key area of research, then given time to use observational data collection techniques to gain further insight into each of the areas, building a patchwork of resources to respond to the scenario and assessment briefs.

What did students take away from the trip?

The trip was a part of a Level 5 module called Data and Decision Making, where students are required to prepare a professional report exploring how Birmingham’s Local Authority, third sector and industry can learn from previous experiences and deliver a successful legacy for the Perry Barr area. Students have already spent time on site in Perry Barr to see how it’s being transformed for the Games, and to gain an understanding of the socio-economic issues within the area, which alongside secondary data collection, will enable them to understand the challenges and opportunities the region faces now and into the future.

Module Leader Wil Vincent said: “Our last field trip was sadly cancelled just 72 hours before we went into lockdown, so it is great to be back on site with students. We really believe that these longer field trips are valuable to gain a true insight into the theories and discussions we have in the classroom.

"We have two great former host cities in the UK, which can help us understand complex issues such as developing a successful mega event legacy."

How will the Commonwealth Games affect our students and the city?

The Commonwealth Games will benefit Birmingham in a number of ways, from boosting the economy to helping with the regeneration of the city. 

Our students have already heavily benefitted from the Games and it has given them a wealth of opportunities, from trips and workshops to work experience. Costume and design students created costumes for the Birmingham 2022 opening ceremony, and policing and security students have participated in a live exercise at Tally Ho training centre, in which they simulated tasks that real officers will undertake during the Games.

There’s plenty to come, but for now, you can read more about the impact the Games will have on the city of Birmingham.

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