
Find out what a typical day looks like for Mercy Damoah, a third year student on placement.
"My advice to students would be to ask for help when you need it, don't be shy or afraid to ask and also better to ask earlier than last minute"
Hey everyone, welcome to a typical day in my life as a third-year student radiographer on placement.
5.30 - 6AM: Morning devotion
I like to give myself some time in bed to do my morning Bible devotional and meditation. This helps me gain motivation for the day and feel recharged rather than going straight into my morning routine.
6 - 7AM: Morning routine
I typically spend no more than an hour getting ready in the morning. Maintaining this discipline is crucial, otherwise, I risk missing my train! To save time in the mornings, I now prepare my lunch the night before too.
9 - 5PM: Placement
My shift patterns vary depending on the department I'm assigned to. For instance:
- Emergency Department and General X-ray, 8am-8pm: As a third-year student, I can participate in numerous examinations, which is crucial for completing my assessments.
- CT/MRI Department, 9am-5pm: As CT and MRI require additional specialised training, I mostly observe and make notes. However, I make myself useful by being proactive and conducting patient safety questionnaires before examinations and assisting radiographers with patient preparation and room setup.
- Emergency Department Night Shift, 8pm-8am: Similar duties to the day shift, but during night-time hours.
All the shifts highlight the duties and responsibilities of a radiographer and it all helps academically too as the hands-on experience helps me put the content taught in lectures and seminars into practice.
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5 - 6.45pm: Return Home
Once I get home, I make it a priority to enjoy some downtime relaxing with friends and family. Since moving back home for third year, I've been fortunate to have a strong support system. My mom always prepares dinner for me, allowing me to unwind and focus on other activities without the stress of cooking for myself.
7 - 8PM: University work
With assignments and a dissertation to complete, I try to dedicate regular time to my university work, even when on placement. I’m in my final year and the time is going quickly and I want to avoid letting my workload pile up, so I try to study after my shorter placement shifts.
9:30PM: Bedtime!
Due to the demands of my course, I've always valued my sleep! I don't want to oversleep so I go to bed quite early to make sure I can wake up early.