A day in the life of a Health Professions student

Blog Article

Find out what a typical day looks like for Rianne Talbott, a student studying Operating Department Practice at BCU.

We spoke to Rianne during her first year to find out what it had been like:

Rianne's day


I leave the house to catch the 7.55am bus into Birmingham and then I walk the rest of the way to get to uni. It’s easy to get the bus from the city centre to campus, and it’s a great way to help me to stay fit.


First lecture of the day! We are practising our skills in the mock theatre to get us ready for placement. 


Lunch time!


Second lecture of the day; assignment two was launched!


Off to the library for some books to help with assignment two, and to get some work done before heading home.


Meet up with friends from my course. There are loads of cool places to eat near the University, and I love trying all the new restaurants and bars that have opened recently!

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