
A resistance band is a handy and versatile tool and a staple in sports therapy. They can take your workouts to the next level and are portable so you can exercise with them at home or at the gym. Not sure where to start with your resistance band exercise journey? Here are our top four exercises to get started.
1. Squat
Muscles used: glutes (glute medius, glute minimus, glute maximus), quads
There are several ways you can perform a squat using a resistance band, but we’ll show you the simplest way.
Place the band around mid-thigh level and stand with your feet hip width apart and toes pointed slightly outwards. Bend your knees and lower yourself into a sitting position and hold for a couple of seconds. Slowly bring yourself back up to your starting position, keeping your knees slightly bent.
2. Lateral walk
Muscles used: Glute medius, glute minimus, tensor fascia lata
Put the resistance band around both of your ankles and stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Bend your knees until you are in a half-squat position and take a small sideways step to one side and bring the other foot with you to create the same position you were in before. Repeat this side to side for several reps.
3. Pull apart
Muscles used: Lower trapezius, middle trapezius, rhomboids, rear deltoid
Grab the resistance band at each end and hold it shoulder width apart. Keeping your arms straight, pull the band and extend your arms out to the side. Return to your starting position and repeat.
4. Resistance band row
Muscles used: Mid, lower, and upper trapezius, latissimus dorsi, biceps, rhomboids.
Stand with one foot in front of the other in a staggered position that feels comfortable and loop the resistance band so it sits under your front foot.
Ensure your knees are slightly bent, keep your back straight and engage your core. Grab the end of the belt and pull it in a rowing action towards your torso so you can feel the resistance. Return to your starting position and repeat.